Why Would I Ever Say White People Were Supreme? – IOTW Report

Why Would I Ever Say White People Were Supreme?

15 Comments on Why Would I Ever Say White People Were Supreme?

  1. We have a class of white people who wallow in the same scum and slime as nigger hood rats. They’re called white trash. The subject video exemplified said white trash. Aint nothin supreme about them.

  2. Hmmm, I used the “N” word in a comment earlier in this thread and was censored, yet in a different thread:

    “Warning to Diddy: ‘Your Life Is in Danger Over Secrets From the Little Secret Room You Guys Participating in’

    “…Wild Bill Saturday, 30 March 2024, 15:34 at 3:34 pm

    “Tarnishing the image of the hip-hop culture.” Nigga, gimme a break….”

    So it’s ok say “nigga”, but not ni**er. What a difference two letters make.

  3. All white”feminists” are white trash.Just look at their tattoos, high body counts, piercings drinking, slutiness and very loud and crude mouths. Yeah, woke college was a good idea. Hip hop and rap culture have worked wonders too.


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