Why Wouldn’t Whites Be Reaching the Breaking Point With This Daily Deluge of Idiocy? – IOTW Report

Why Wouldn’t Whites Be Reaching the Breaking Point With This Daily Deluge of Idiocy?

Yahoo News-

Is it OK to use black emojis and gifs?

It’s digital blackface, according to this writer.

In this video this dope specifically calls out white people for using “black memes” and black emojis while not being white.

What about Asians and Hispanics?

It’s okay for them to use them, or is this specifically an attack on whites?

Dumb question, simple answer – yes, this is an attack on whites. And if this continues the blowback is going to be much harsher than a bitter angry 20 year-old driving his car into a crowd.

This is a stupid game these SJWs are playing, and I fear it’s going to get real ugly.

40 Comments on Why Wouldn’t Whites Be Reaching the Breaking Point With This Daily Deluge of Idiocy?

  1. Just shrug the shoulders and say, “Oh. Ok…” and continue doing what you want. That pisses them off far more than getting into a conversation with them about it.

    SJW: “You know, that outfit you’re wearing is cultural appropriation.”
    Me: “Oh. OK”…as I continue to mind my own business.

  2. Basketball was invented by a white man and played by other white men. All black NBA players must stop playing immediately. Football was invented by a white man and originally played by white men. All black men must stop playing football immediately. The automobile was invented by a white man…etc. etc. Do they really want to go down that road?

  3. in simple software language, the black culture is stuck in a do-loop of stupidity, fed by a welfare culture of fatherless, lost youth, the illiteracy that follows, and no understanding of the history or even the language that is required for normal and successful participation in society

    a steaming cauldron of anger and hatred aimed at all who are non-black, set on constant stir by sharpton, jackson, and the like

  4. White people who use BLACK letters to type with are guilty of cultural appropriation.

    Blacks who type on a white background are guilty of oppression.

    Kinda’ seems like a win win.

  5. Does this mean that sooner than later no black typeface will be allowed to be used in any book, newspaper, magazine or any other written source such as posters, billboards etc.? How will we read then? Or will they allow us to use another dark enough typeface (another dark color) so that we can read and understand the words that are written? White typeface just doesn’t work unless it’s on a dark background. I hate the left and their constant destruction of all forms of communication whether it’s written or spoken so that no one will be allowed to think differently than they do.

  6. She shows a picture of a white women with dreadlocks as an example of “cultural appropriation” while she herself has straightened hair. Self-awareness is not commonly found among leftists is it?

  7. @Aaron Burr:

    The obvious solution is for everyone to put out their eyes in order not to see offensive stuff.

    Not everyone, only those easily offended.

    Alternatively, all those who speak and write about being racially or culturally or politically or socially or religiously offended are themselves offensive, and should have their tongues cut out and fingers amputated.

  8. @Bman & Gladys – Here’s something else to add to your toolkit. When confronted by one of the angry offendees, ask “Do you respect my opinion on stuff like this?” The answer will of course be, “No!” Your rejoinder then is, “Why should I respect your opinion, then?”

    If you want to see virtual head explosions, you might then point out that one can be offended only by people whose opinions one respects.

  9. I use the original yellow ones, just like the original happy face. Which was the inspiration of this emoji crap in the first place, right?

    Remind people when they make these dumb ass videos an proclamations that it’s only THEM that are triggered and have the problem, not the rest of us.

  10. @MJA, if you really, really want to be retro, you might use the original ASCII character emoticons. Lots of commenting software translates those into graphics but I haven’t run across any yet that work if you reverse the tilt and put mouth left and eyes right.

  11. DAMN YOU TO ANARCHIST HELL UNKY AL! For like 10 thousand years. Where you’ll be forced to listen to “Despacito” on eternal loop….


    I was goin’ somewhere with this…. sigh….

    Oh, wait…. PUT EVERYONE’S EYES OUT YOU ABLEIST MONSTER! EVERYONE MUST BE BLIND IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE TRUE EQUALITY….something…..something… huh, bottom of the 6th and the Astros lead. Man I love baseball.

  12. @Aaron Burr – When driving I listen to the local IHeartLatino station¹ and sort of liked Despacity before it went KABOOM all over the damned world. I still sort of like it even though I watched the video once.

    1. It is more listenable than any of the other stations plus I get to hear all of the advertisements for ambulance chasing bufetes.
    ¡Rumba! ¡Cientoseis PUNTA cinco! ¡Para éxitos y musica variada!

  13. Lazlo has a great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-Grandmother who was a full blood Cherokee Bond Slave
    As a descendant of slaves, and the descendant of the First Americans I would like to take this opportunity to complain about how white the space is in the comment area.
    Why so White-O-Centric?
    How about Black with white type?
    Or Red, with Yellow type?
    Or a nice Red-Brown with Muave?
    When you open your eyes to the systemic racism, it comes at you from all sides.

  14. Why have we allowed insane, ignorant and evil people to hijack the culture and set policies? Shame on us.
    You know, the social chaos really doesn’t have anything to do with race. Race is a false flag not the cause of this stupidity. The fight is between good and evil, just as it’s always been.

  15. “Good people are caught up in the sport of this and have been convinced that it is about race, and they are being used.”

    As time goes on this will prove to be a potentially fatal mistake.

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