WikiLeaks Drops Thousands Of ‘Verified’ Emails From Macron Campaign – IOTW Report

WikiLeaks Drops Thousands Of ‘Verified’ Emails From Macron Campaign

Who wants us to see Manny ‘Jupiter’  Macron’s pictures of him and his grandma wife? The Russians?

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10 Comments on WikiLeaks Drops Thousands Of ‘Verified’ Emails From Macron Campaign

  1. Wow.
    I’ve seen better looking skin in an ICU Burn Ward.

    I’m guessing her discreet staff provides him with underage boys while Mme Macron hovers, bosses and directs.

  2. “It was originally believed that a Russian group known as APT28 was behind the hack. APT28 is blamed for a number of similar hacks, including the U.S. presidential election last fall.”

    uh hu

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