Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election? – IOTW Report

Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election?

Michelle Malkin-

That’s the latest conventional wisdom from presidential poll watchers. But it may not be legal American citizens in myadopted home state who choose the next commander in chief.

Instead, it could very well be foreign noncitizens voting illegally in the Rocky Mountains—and in other crucial swing states—who seal our country’s fate.

Former Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler identifiednearly 5,000 noncitizens in Colorado who voted in the 2010 general election. Gessler’s office uncovered upwards of 12,000 noncitizens registered to vote. Liberal groups who oppose stronger election system protections attacked him for trying to verify citizenship status—because God forbid public officials sworn to uphold the rule of law actually do anything to enhance the integrity of our election system!

Compounding the problem: The militant immigration expansionist group Mi Familia Vota, connected with theService Employees International Union, has ramped up its efforts in swing states to facilitate naturalization and registration of Latino voters who will promote the open-borders agenda at the polls.

Another rare defender of American sovereignty, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, fought in court for his state’s right to require citizenship documents from people who register to vote at motor vehicle offices. Last month, a federal appeals court struck down the Kansas law despite the U.S. Constitution’s conferral of responsibility for determining who may vote to states.

In a scene straight out of “Alice in Wonderland,” Kobach faced a contempt hearing for battling against those who hold contempt for truly free and fair elections. He was forced to sign an agreement with the ACLU allowing more than 18,000 motor-voter registrants to cast ballots this November while litigation continues.


15 Comments on Will Illegal Foreign Voters Steal the Election?

  1. I think these recent stories show how Obama was “elected” to a second term (and maybe the first one as well). Trump has far more enthusiasm for him than Romney did in 2012, so the level of cheating required to keep the progs in power has to be increased. If nothing else, hopefully these stories will make the prog vote counters more conscious / nervous about the potential consequences of trying to steal this election.

  2. This story just popped up on TownHall about the Texas AG aggressively going after a large and long standing “vote harvesting” operation. These stories are showing how corrupt our voting systems have become. Maybe this will force the average citizen be made aware that America has been cheated out of its rightful say in who is in power. It’s still up to all of us to raise enough hell about it to change it though.


  3. Team Trump is prepared for this. I don’t know this for a fact, but I would not be at all surprised if he has lawyers on stand by to deploy to various states in case there are irregularities. Additionally, the GOP and the Trump campaign have been recruiting poll and count watchers in all states. And beyond that we are hearing about allegations of fraud much sooner and before the election rather than in years past when we only heard about it after the election when nothing was done about it.

  4. BB — That supposed ‘lock’ was predicated on the D’s taking the same swing states taken by obama in ’08 (and ’12?): NV, CO, IA, OH, PA, FL, and NH.

    Take a look at Trump’s numbers in these states and also look at OR, WA and a few others that are no longer “safe blue”. Many are going into the toss up column, too.

  5. Fraud and corruption is the only thing keeping Hillary and the democrooks afloat. No honest citizen wants to have to put up with these criminals.
    Hillary probably only “legally” has 15% of the votes they are claiming for her.
    Trump will need massive voter turnout to cancel out all the fraud.

    I got my ballot yesterday and already voted for Trump, but I won’t mail it in for another week as I need to research all the other issues we are also voting on.
    We have to submit a copy of ID with absentee ballots in Arkansas. I hope the other states have the same rules. There are 27 states now where anybody can get an absentee ballot, no questions asked.
    They are setting us up for a loss. I refuse to give it to them.

  6. That’s the carefully executed plan! Why does anyone think Obama has opened the jails and borders??? Califirnia and several other states even issue driver’s licenses to them.

  7. I still says photo and fingerprint those that don’t have IDs or suspected bogus IDs. Or like other countries, dye fingers. At least put up a sign this is happening, that should scare some away. Metal detector????

    Friend worked polls in NC in 1980 saw one black guy come in vote 3 times. Questioned this with supervisor and was told don’t say anything or she might get stabbed. …

  8. If you see any kind of widespread outage of the internet before or immediately after people have voted, you’ll know for sure. That would be the obvious step for a tyranny to control information, thereby control outrage and action when people realize it was stolen.

  9. Illegal aliens, the deceased, felons, stuffing the ballot box, voting machine code, absentee ballot fraud, indigent and mentally ill voting have been the norm for the Democrat party.
    Even when laws are broken there are but very few who face repercussion and even then it’s a slap on the wrist. When the laws are no longer enforced, lawbreakers flourish and the integrity of the vote is non-existent.
    The only avenue is for Trump supporters to vote in overwhelming numbers legally.

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