Will Smith announces resignation from Academy over Chris Rock slap – IOTW Report

Will Smith announces resignation from Academy over Chris Rock slap

h/t Blazing Cat Fur


Will Smith resigned from the Academy of Motion Pictures Friday in the face of possible suspension or expulsion from the organization for his on-stage slap of Chris Rock at the Oscars last weekend.

Smith said in a statement he would “fully accept any and all consequences for my conduct” imposed by the Academy’s Board of Governors.

“The list of those I have hurt is long and includes Chris, his family, many of my dear friends and loved ones, all those in attendance, and global audiences at home,” Smith said in the statement, obtained by Variety.

“I betrayed the trust of the Academy. I deprived other nominees and winners of their opportunity to celebrate and be celebrated for their extraordinary work. I am heartbroken.” more

33 Comments on Will Smith announces resignation from Academy over Chris Rock slap

  1. What’s the world coming to when black people have to be held responsible for their actions. Next thing you know we’ll be judging them by the content of their character.

  2. more proof that this ‘incident’ was stagecraft … the TMZ crowd will eat this shit up for the ‘high drama’

    the question is, what’s Smith’s endgame? … Kali gov? … more?

    ‘what did Chris Rock know … & when did he know it?’

  3. So, does this mean he won’t star in any more movies? Or has he just tripled his marketability as an outcast martyr? Maybe Hollywood will make a movie about him.

  4. Molon, the end game? Money! Pfizer was a sponsor of the event. Jada will be a spokesbitch for a new drug for bald headed, formerly nappy headed ho’s that Pfizer is coming out with. The thing is the only reason Jada is bald is because she shaves her head. She will do commercials for this new drug, and before you know it, her hair starts growing. All the formerly nappy headed ho’s will run to the store for this new wonder drug. Pfizer just keeps making money.

  5. joe6 ~ most likely you are correct … it’s always about the Benjamins … especially w/ the HoWood crowd
    like the Bidens, & the rest of the D’rats, they’d sell their own grandkids for sex if it got them some perceived adoration from the mob

  6. How come nobody has said a damn thing about that ridiculous dress that cunt Jada was wearing?
    Jabba the Hut sized and shaped.
    Bitch MUST have worn a diaper because a bathroom break was out of the question.
    Symbolism over substance, just like you would expect.
    Retardwear for an ignorant asshole.

  7. Oh, the Humanity! Hollyweird’s most notorious Black Colored Cuckold will be stuck inside his $42 million dollar Calabasas mansion with Jada the Insatiable Slut for a few months until things blows over. This might not end well.

  8. Been going downhill for a long time from what I hear. The very existence of the Oscars depends on drama like this.
    If it wasn’t for this site and walking by customers TV’s I wouldn’t have known this happened.
    We’ve been slapped around by the communist in our government and the fake news for a long time, where’s their apology to us?
    These people are all clutching their pearls over a slap, meanwhile in one Democrat long held City 40 to 50 people are shot every weekend.
    Mayor Beetlejuice has 90 plus police to protect her in Chicago. Why? Is her black life the only one that matters to her?

  9. Sounds like a PR firm wrote that “resignation letter”.
    Compare that with pretty much any interview he’s ever done, it’s worlds apart from his typical “style”.
    Still, it doesn’t mean jack squat to me.
    I didn’t care for him before this kerfuffle, and I still don’t care for him.
    I couldn’t care less about the trash he married,either.


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