Winged Sweetness – IOTW Report

14 Comments on Winged Sweetness

  1. I used to think hummingbirds were cute until I surrounded my deck with feeders, little bastards fought right over our heads, they beat the crap out of each other. 🤬

    I planted a Mimosa tree on the other side of the house for them.

  2. Very cool!

    My Dad and I had to do that a few times this past season for some hummingbirds what had accidents. One bird hit the side of the house and became punch drunk… the other bird somehow became stuck under the goose pool. Who knows? It may have been the same drunk bird.

  3. My son sat outside at the hummingbird feeder for hours and made a mini handheld feeder. Hummers would drink right out of his hand.

    He also sat outside for hours with the nuthatches and fed them black oil sunflower seeds. There are 2 of them that hang outside our front door all day. When I go by the front door they squeak at me and circle my head. I put my finger out, they land on it, look at me for a handout and fly away. I had 5 landings today on my way in and out of the house. Nuthatches are cool.

    Squirrels too. Damn squirrels love to cleanup after the birds. 5 of them don’t even run away anymore. I can step up and grab them, or step on them.

    It’s like a regular zoo around here. With all the feeders my kid has up there are 5 squirrels and 30-40 birds at all times right out the door. When the stupid sparrows are flocking, there can be a good 60 to 80 of them in addition flapping around.

  4. I used to enjoy the little shits until I was making a gallon a day of bird juice. I’m pretty sure we used over 100 pounds of sugar this year. I got up to 80 pounds and just stopped counting.

  5. A few years back my mom was feeding the chickadees, they would practically dive bomb anyone on the porch looking for a handout. Got so anytime I walked out the door I would grab a handful of seeds to put on the railing for them.

  6. I did buy three thirty pound bags of sugar this year. And a few five pound bags when they didn’t have thirties. And used up about ten pounds I had from last year. And I have about ten pounds left. So yeah, a hundred pounds. And I don’t use sugar in anything but bird water. I think the shit stinks.


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