Wisconsin levies new tax on public EV charging stations – IOTW Report

Wisconsin levies new tax on public EV charging stations

American Thinker:

By Olivia Murray

The left has marketed the electric vehicle agenda as a cost-saving transition, but it’s rapidly devolving into a bottomless money pit. Right off the bat it never made sense, because if you can’t afford a tank of gas, then how in the world are you supposed to drop $100k on an electric car? But that was the story, and here’s the latest development, out of Wisconsin:

15 Comments on Wisconsin levies new tax on public EV charging stations

  1. A friend just shared a video on Facebook that I saw a while ago; it was a Tesla charging station in wintry weather, the chargers didn’t work because of the cold and they were manually moving the Teslas because they were dead. Seems like a place like Wisconsin would have that happening a lot. Makes you wonder why a Wisconsinite would even consider getting one.

  2. There is a public library a few miles from my house. They installed SIX charging stations in the parking lot a few years ago. I NEVER see ANY EVs charging at those stations and I drive by them daily. $100s of thousands of dollars pisses away due to virtue signaling.

  3. Since these chargers seem to not work in cold climates, it looks like Wisconsinites will have to resort to dogs and sleds to get around during the winter months.

    This is yet another way for Leftists to steal money from the Taxpayer for more of their New Green Crap.

  4. Jethro

    I’ve read for a while the CIA “has the ability to control cars”. Now you come from the same world as I as far as engineering. What’s that take? Servos on the steering wheel. Control of the braking system and throttle. I’ve always discounted that as doubtful. But then roll back to Governor Kemp’s daughters boy friends big wreck (murder). That certainly turned Kemp into a believer. Some of suggested they steer vehicles through the brakes. Possible. I dunno. This would be a great convo for those here that are mechanically inclined. This guys being described by family as a huge Trump supporter. And I know from personal experience that the more elite the soldier the more conservative they seem to be. I dunno. I hope more of his friends start speaking out.

  5. Why is that not surprising at all
    Road funds have always come from gas and diesel taxes so when your EV pays no road tax you are not contributing. I guess if you can afford one of those behemoths you can afford a road tax to charge it

  6. refuse/resist

    True. But it’s my understanding lane assist in early vehicles did rely on the brakes. Newer version do use the steering wheel. However there’s a big difference between making a 2 degree correction vs a 90 degree turn out onto a street. I dunno. But then again the steering wheel is usually connected to a big as shaft at least through the column. A natural armature? Armatures aren’t what they used to be. I dunno. The Kemp thing was strange enough. And got dropped like a hot rock. I personally have a hard time believing this guy was a militant libtard. Interesting discussion. Well for me at least. Lets see who else come forward about this guy. I strongly believe sooner or later the CIA fucks up everything it touches. Like our country.

  7. The last leg of our last road trip was from Ash Fork AZ into Bakersfield Ca. At 4,000 ft and there a couple ev charging stations on 40. They all have big ass diesel tanks behind them. Even though they did their best to cover up the generators. I’m reasonably sure these were some of the 7 Kami built. For a bazilion dollars.

  8. Because funding for paving and maintaining roads comes from the sale of gasoline and diesel fuel, of course they have to develop new revenue streams. I’m expecting to see more and more of this, up to and including a tax on the number of miles you drive.


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