Woman dumps water on Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake – IOTW Report

Woman dumps water on Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

Charged withΒ assault

25 Comments on Woman dumps water on Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

  1. My tank of sympathy for this progtard is empty. Said another way, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha gasp, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, wipe laughter tear, ha ha ha ha ha… hope she gets more reactions like this to begin to appreciate law and order.

  2. I’ll be surprised if the mainstream media give the event more than 15 seconds.
    This will probably be reported as a down trodden poor soul that just had to take out her frustrations and the heavily burdened mayor will be shown oozing concern. However, if the person throwing the water was White, this would be an example of highly criminal racial attack.

  3. These Progs choose looks that are very revealing.
    Here, angry-black-shrew Spends a LOT of money & time getting her hair straightened just so she can glue it into HITLER BANGS.
    The Hitler Bangs are suddenly a popular look adopted by a lot of Progs, especially black women who invariably have their hair straightened.
    A creepy ‘tell’.

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