Would A Border Wall Be Worth It? – IOTW Report

Would A Border Wall Be Worth It?

Here’s a simple analysis comparing the cost of the wall to an estimate of how much would be saved for each illegal immigrant it stops. Watch

10 Comments on Would A Border Wall Be Worth It?

  1. The immoral GWB said 3 years ago we could not afford to deport all the criminal aliens! He lied! He, as I, was in school when Ike ran “Operation Wetback” deporting – by ship almost 1,500 miles away from America – almost 4% of America’s population. Crime costs were so low (police, insurance, judges, jails, …) that we ran a surplus 3 of the next 4 years.
    that was 13 years before SSA was amended by title 9!
    the savings today would be in the $billions! each year!

  2. Absolutely worth it!
    (nice choice of calculator in the pic. It appears to be a HP- no ‘equal’ sign. I was raised on RPN, Reverse Polish Notation, myself, along with Popov negative sign convention for dynamics. They would probably throw away such a calculator in today’s schools, thinking it to be broken).

    On another note, regarding the ‘Wall’. Our dear President might again be a time traveler:
    Trump Trackdown ‘The End of the World’


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