Yellen Shills for Green New Deal in Detroit – IOTW Report

Yellen Shills for Green New Deal in Detroit


U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Thursday the United States must look to “the wind, sun, and other clean sources of energy” instead of relying on oil and gas.

Yellen’s remarks came during a trip to Detroit, Michigan, where she boasted about the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act. More

7 Comments on Yellen Shills for Green New Deal in Detroit

  1. Yet another government organization taken over and run by democrats.

    The American Silver Eagle program ran just fine since 1986, then this troll gets in and suddenly a law where the treasury needs to mint enough ASEs to satisfy public demand is totally ignored. Just one example of law breaking. Silver is $19/oz, ASEs sell for $35, Because there’s not enough to satisfy public demand. The troll comes out and says, “Oh, but we have minted enough for public demand.” And the democrats, who run everything, say, Ohhh Yellen’s right, as they stroke each other off. Suuuuuuuuuuuure, when silver demand is breaking records this year and the ASE program has minted less than HALF what it minted last year, with Eagles running 35 bucks a pop. Don’t believe your lyin eyes.

  2. I wish all these asswipe liberal commie fux would have to live by the standard they was us to. Drive Only electric cars charged by solar or wind ONLY…Fuck their Green shit!

  3. Tim – FJB September 11, 2022 at 7:01 pm

    WTF’s that got to do with Treasury?

    She is just signaling to the “Climate Change” thieves that the vault is unlocked, open and all the guards are there to assist in the robbery..


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