Yoga pants are polluting the seas – IOTW Report

Yoga pants are polluting the seas


Yoga pants are everywhere these days, you can’t escape them!  We always make fun of them and now we have a really good reason to.

Yoga pants are polluting the ocean.

The Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium has been collecting microfibers in the waters around Florida. When yoga pants and similar athletic clothing are washed, the microfibers get flushed into natural waterways and end up in the sea.

The microfibers end up in the bellies of marine animals, including seafood such as oysters.

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12 Comments on Yoga pants are polluting the seas

  1. How do they know that it’s not just good old common household variety lint from other materials than yoga pants? It also sounds like someone has too much time on their hands to measure how much microfiber gets into water and eventually finds its way out to sea. If everyone ran around naked when they did yoga we wouldn’t have this problem.

  2. @Bonapoof ~ great new idea for marketing!

    ‘Yoga Tuna’ … “now with more microfiber!”
    ‘Yoga Tuna’ … “Sorry Charlie, only the best tasting yoga pants crotch fibers get to be Yoga Tuna!”
    ‘Yoga Tuna’ … “Gee Mom, I never thought that tuna would taste so good since they took out the dolphin … but now with yoga pants micro-crotch fiber …. yum! … it’s the best!”

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