You Stink – IOTW Report

You Stink


After a long, hot summer, Japanese companies are calling in the odour experts to deal with the problem of “smell harassment” in the workplace.

Corporations, particularly those in the service sector, have become acutely aware of the pitfalls associated with staff with strong body odour or bad breath, as well as the lingering scent of cigarettes or a heady whiff of overpowering perfume.

Mandom Corp., Japan’s largest manufacturer of men’s personal care products, has started holding seminars on odour etiquette for employees of companies concerned that smelly staff will damage their image.

Around 40 employees of mobile phone company SoftBank attended a Mandom seminar in August, the Mainichi newspaper reported, with participants instructed in the causes of body odour and how to avoid inflicting “smell harassment” on fellow workers and customers by using deodourants appropriately.


how about farting?

ht/ the big owe

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