You’ve come a long way, baby, to get where you’ve got to today – IOTW Report

You’ve come a long way, baby, to get where you’ve got to today

From Beautiful Decay

as the group writes in their “Manifesto for the Visibility of the Period,” the taboo surrounding menstruation serves to oppress women and reinforce patriarchal systems.


By making a public display of their shedding uterine linings, the group hopes to reclaim the female body and free normal bodily functions from shame and judgement.


There’s a taboo surrounding menstruation? One that reinforces patriarchal systems?

I wasn’t aware of that. I do know, however, that if you walk around in public with blood on you you are a health hazard and an asshole, regardless of your gender.


ht. finai

51 Comments on You’ve come a long way, baby, to get where you’ve got to today

  1. Gross. Stupid. From their self-conscious expressions (epsecially the one trying to hide behind her cel phone), even they cannot take themselves seriously. This is the result of ‘activism’ education being paid for by hard-working tax payers.

    See: “Disturbed Character: the phenomenon of our age” – Simon

  2. “..shame and judgement” ??? By who, whom? Or are these women just now coming to grips with their own biology?

    The only commericals on tee vee more prevelant than viagra, KY, and birth control, are those for menstrual products. Where the hell are they getting their info??

    This is made-up synthetic grievance in all its glory.

  3. These idiots are Spanish…not that it matters.

    It’s whackjobs like these who are hung up on all things female.
    They see oppression in every fucking thing.
    And then they bitch and moan because they’re not being “taken seriously”.

    Get a life.
    Or how about free hysterectomies (?) all around?
    No more icky periods then, right?

  4. Did they get a government grant for this? NEA,maybe? A double feature with the Vagina Monologues?

    (if this shows up on my BFF’s blog…I just don’t know. All hope is lost.)

  5. These women do not appreciate how well they have it. For all their complaints, things are not so bad for them. Life is not perfect for us men, either. For as oppressed as they believe they are, let’s give them five minutes at the Sharia-World Amusement Park – I’m betting their viewpoint would (hopefully) change. Enjoy your freedom, ladies.

  6. Never heard of the Mikvah?

    …Family purity is a system predicated on the woman’s monthly cycle. From the onset of menstruation and for seven days after its end, until the woman immerses in the mikvah, husband and wife may not engage in sexual relations. To avoid violation of this law, the couple should curtail their indulgence in actions they find arousing, putting a check on direct physical contact and refraining from physical manifestations of affection. The technical term for a woman in this state is Niddah (literal meaning: to be separated)….

  7. Hey Signora Bio hazard, how about you work out your Wicca thing in the Teepee at the edge of town.
    The rest of us just want to get through the day.
    And stay off the furniture.

  8. Gladys,

    The answer is a resounding yes.

    If you doubt me take a bus in Seattle. These Goddamned subhuman leftists POSs also think it is cute to put hoops the size of a snoose can in their earlobes and walk around with hair all matted up. I was in Seattle a week ago and one walked past and literally had a swarm flies buzzing after it ala Pig Pen in the old Peanuts cartoons. I was thinking of offering plates for sale so they could stick them in their lower lips like a damned Ubangi.

  9. “By making a public display of their shedding uterine linings, the group hopes to reclaim the female body and free normal bodily functions from shame and judgement.”
    In other words, they want to reclaim their body by rejecting God’s creation and purpose.

    Ain’t Marxism great?

  10. On the plus side, at least I won’t waste cocktail money on any female barfly exhibiting this type of sartorial behavior. I could appreciate the “don’t waste your time trying to get lucky” warning.

  11. This is certainly the right of a “woman” to handle her bodily excretions in any way she desires, as long as other aren’t exposed to hazardous material. However, it is dirty and stinks, so a “lady” would well be aware that she would not wish to impose on others. Just as a gentleman makes sure that those around him are comfortable and that he is not unpleasant.

  12. Wow! What a great idea!

    Now, I’ll be writing the “Manifesto for the Visibility of the Hemorrhoids” as a protest against the socialist, islamist, marxist, fuckedupedness, that inculcates shame and oppression from the matriarchal system on men who suffer, through no fault of their own, the degradation and shame of hemorrhoids.

    When my ass would bleed, wymyn were always mocking me, asking “Did you shit yourself?” or observing “Man, those khakis have skidmarks on em!”

    I could never wear a white suit for Easter!

    Oh, sorry, the “Spring Bunny Season Holiday.”

  13. I saw an older woman walking into the grocery store with a big ass shit stain on her pants. Not wanting to have to look at it, and thinking she doesn’t know about it, I quietly told her there was a mess on the back of her pants. She got pissed at me and said “you’re the 10th person who has told me that today!” Holy crap! Apparently she didn’t care about other people seeing it. As far as the picture goes above, they are just as sick as the woman with shit on her pants.

  14. Dears, that is not blood on their silly goddamned pants. It is paint. That is not the color of blood. They aren’t even really doing what they say they are doing. Its fake!

  15. Must be a provision of Obamacare, “if you like your PERIOD, you can flaunt your PERIOD….PERIOD!!!” Obamacare will require your bosses to pay for HAZMAT cleanup.

  16. This is where an anti-protest performance artist shows up in a cape, widow’s peak and a set of fangs.

    Cunt Dracula.

    Obviously, with that bunch there would be some hair in those fangs.


    Some of you might remember one of the earliest anti-Feminist 4Chan twitter pranks back in January and February called “#FreeBleeding”. It was only semi-successful in that it was considered so over-the-top (and we will come back to that part) that it was generally was not taken seriously outside the lunatic fringes of the lunatic fringe elements of RadFemme Inc. It now seems that 4Chan’s only crime was being ahead of the feminist gestalt curve.

  18. Getting my first period was exceptionally stressful for me. I only say this because it happened between the second and third days of junior high school. Newly needing to go to the girls’ room several times per day, and in a huge building with whose layout I was not yet familiar, I would roam the hallways for ungodly periods of time, trying to find a girl’s room and terrified that I would have an “accident” before I could be so lucky.

    Ah, if only I’d been born 4-1/2 decades later, in enlightened times such as these. I just could have skipped that whole mess.

  19. I’m calling my Congressional representative, Steve Lynch and demand that he make some changes to Obamacare. From now on, employers are mandated to provide to all male employees the following: Blow guns, blow gun darts and liquid cyanide! that way we can Darwinize idiots like these up here in this picture!!!

    At least in the days of Louise Day Hicks the girls did not act like this! Chuck You Dukakis and the whole Ivy-League establishment.

  20. “By making a public display of their shedding uterine linings, the group hopes to reclaim the female body and free normal bodily functions from shame and judgement.”

    From shame and judgement? What the hell are they talking about?

    Ever try shaming and judging a woman when she’s got PMS? You wouldn’t be reading this if you did.

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