Bill Clinton Impeachment Chief Investigator: I’m ‘Terrified’ of Hillary – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Impeachment Chief Investigator: I’m ‘Terrified’ of Hillary

“Today, I am still terrified of Hillary. Absolutely I am terrified. Because if she gets into office. In fact, I’ve told my wife, I said, ‘If Hillary gets elected, look for the FBI or somebody to come and pick me up the next day.’

B: NEW YORK — Dave Schippers, who served as the Chief Investigative Counsel for the House Judiciary Committee’s probe into whether Bill Clinton committed impeachable offenses, stated in an exclusive radio interview that he is “terrified” of Hillary Clinton.

Schippers is one of the few people who personally viewed – indeed he helped to collect – the room full of evidence in the impeachment probe. He says the evidence included 60,000-plus pages of written documents, video and “hours and hours” of tape recordings, all of which are still under lock and key.

During the interview, which aired on this reporter’s talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Schippers, unprompted, raised questions about the death of Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster. He further claimed, “We know that there were people who disappeared.”

Regarding his stated fear of Hillary, Schippers said:

“Today, I am still terrified of Hillary. Absolutely I am terrified. Because if she gets into office. In fact, I’ve told my wife, I said, ‘If Hillary gets elected, look for the FBI or somebody to come and pick me up the next day.’

10 Comments on Bill Clinton Impeachment Chief Investigator: I’m ‘Terrified’ of Hillary

  1. That Witch will see the world in flames if she is elected.
    Gulags are the least of our worries.
    You have to be alive to be put in a Gulag.
    We have a brain injured megalomaniac psychopath with delusions of accomplishment days from power, who is worse than the narcissistic amateur she may replace by a factor of ten.
    Obama is a cheap, dime store hood who hit the political lottery.
    She is an old curly wolf from over the mountain who is red in tooth and claw. And Power-mad and crazy.
    Go Trump

  2. The Germans followed the orders of the NaZi regime because the German people put the NaZi regime into office. Just as America will be complicit in putting this totalitarian socialist into office, if that’s the way it turns out. We cannot escape our destinies, particularly if we are the masters of those destinies (which we are). The Germans came to rue the day that they elected the National Socialists, but only after total defeat, the destruction of Germany, and occupation by invading armies. We will rue the day of Clinton’s election much sooner.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. > if she gets into office … look for the FBI or somebody to come and pick me up the next day

    Oh, puh-leeze.

    The President of The United States has drones. The honorable members of The United States military are already using them to blow up United States citizens. If Hillary is named POTUS (“elections” only depend on the announcement of a “winner”) there won’t be enough left of The Clinton Enemies List to sweep up.

    Semper Fi!

  4. If you watched Trump’s rally in NM yesterday, you’d be feeling very differently about today. Trump seems to now have his own air force. Not one, but both of the Trump jets pulled in front of the hangar to deafening cheers from another overflow crowd.

    Killery is going to win, alright — she’s going to win some jailhouse jewelry and a brand new orange jumpsuit.

    Don’t get it twisted. 🙂

    Stay positive — be a positive force in these final days of the race.

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