Confirmed: Trump Says He Will Take $1 Salary as President – IOTW Report

Confirmed: Trump Says He Will Take $1 Salary as President

Breitbart- President-elect Donald Trump stood by his promise to reject the presidential salary, during an interview with CBS’s 60 Minutes.

“The answer is no,” he said, when asked about his campaign trail promise by CBS interviewer Lesley Stahl. “I think I have to take by law one dollar so I’ll take one dollar a year.”

He admitted that he didn’t even know what the salary was, but when he was told it was $400,000 salary he declined it.

“I’m not taking it,” he said.

He added that he would not be taking too many vacations either.

“There’s so much work to be done and I want to get it done for the people,” he said. “I want to get it done. We’re lowering taxes, we’re taking care of health care.”

Trump signaled that he wanted to bring the people together, urging both the protesters and his supporters to stop abusing each other.

Stahl pointed to the recent violence around the country after the election

“I am so saddened to hear that. And I say, ‘Stop it,” he said. “If it helps. I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: Stop it.”

He suggested that many of the protesters were “professional” and that his supporters would have been excoriated by the media if they refused to accept the election results.

“There is a different attitude. You know, there is a double standard here,” he said.  MORE

16 Comments on Confirmed: Trump Says He Will Take $1 Salary as President

  1. I wonder what was left on the editing floor. If they taped that on Friday, why did she ask Trump to disavow violence committed by Trump supporters when in fact, it’s the left that isn’t accepting the election results? And doing so very violently.

    These protesters, you should note, are rioting because their candidate privately told the banksters & Wall Street she wanted an open western hemisphere and received 100s of millions from them in “speaking fees”, lost.

    Yeah, I know.

  2. He should do what Dick Cheney did with his VP salary – donate it all to charity.

    But then he would be accused of using it for a tax write off. Headline “Trump Doesn’t Pay Taxes!”. You just can’t win.

  3. wait and see, obama will certainly outdo trump by giving his salary for the last 8 years back!
    and paying for his vacation travel and golf.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    welfare is black privilege.

  4. Gunny, He should donate it regardless of any chance of bs about taxes. Show how it’s done right. Show how you stand up to the bs of the left. Don’t give them an inch.

    It’s OK to do good with your money and keep it from being wasted in the black hole called Govt spending. That’s the kind of change we need – where the people are allowed to take care of themselves without Govt interference.

    Just make it a veteran’s cause.

  5. I wonder if he will feel put out when he moves into the White Hut.
    Can anybody imagine the funk coming from the Granny Garret?
    For the first time in 8 years, I’m proud of my country.

  6. I commend our President-Elect for refusing to take payment.

    But if I was Prez-Elect? O hell no; I’d take $200 grand a year and give it to pro-Life charities and take the other $200 grand and give it to Constitution groups and 2A groups like NRA, Second Amendment Foundation, Judicial Watch, USCCA Concealed Carry Association. It would make the LibTards squirm and be my yuge F.U. to them.

  7. Actually, I believe Leslie Stahl only mentioned the (largely discredited) stories of supposed Trump supporters who supposedly verbally abused minorities. I don’t think she talked about the violence of the anti-Trump riots.

  8. Trump’s response on salary is right. It’s lawfully his to do with what he wants and he wants to give the money back to The People.

    (I would have like to seen that guy and his wife in the WH live on their measly $400,000./year. Has anyone toted up their tax-paid expenses over the past 8 years?)

  9. Thanks for posting that. Haven’t seen Leslie Stahl in a while. Trump is such a different animal than she’s used to. Seems to me he and his family are high minded whereas the media and left in general are very low minded. Great to see her fleeting facial expressions, and his unwavering vision of the world and our place in it.

  10. Corporate presidents have “drawing accounts”. Imagine what the POTUS has? When Lee Iacocca took a $1 salary it was a sham. Nice touch and a cool thing to do, but it’s basically bullshit.

    Lots more promises to keep.

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