Julian Assange Takes a Wikileak on “Sanders Supporter” Bill Maher’s Head – IOTW Report

Julian Assange Takes a Wikileak on “Sanders Supporter” Bill Maher’s Head

Maher acted like a petulant child, bemoaning that Assange went after Hillary, a leftist, which, heroes dedicated to complete transparency in government are apparently not supposed to do.

So how did Assange answer Maher?

He outed Maher, the devoted Sanders supporter, by letting his audience know that his records show that a William Maher of Los Angeles gave a Clinton group 1 million dollars.

Maher stammers and weakly obfuscates by telling about why he gave OBAMA 1 million dollars, glossing over the Hillary donation.

18 Comments on Julian Assange Takes a Wikileak on “Sanders Supporter” Bill Maher’s Head

  1. AND THUS WE HAVE revealed thanks to Assange the media firestorm bias in favor of the lefties and Commies, Sparky Barky and the Hilldabeast….they put their MONEY and their MOUTHS up the arses of Barky and Cankles…

  2. Even though Assange is a lefty, over the years he’s prolly realized, “Shit, these Dems are way more crooked than I ever thought Bush was!” So he’s exposing them. Drip drip drip.

  3. @stop2think August 6, 2016 at 6:14 pm

    Remember to remain very still and compliant when you hear the “Aloha Snackbar!”

    It’s somebody’s law. And they do claim jurisdiction where(ever) they are. Feel free to drone on, now.

  4. @stop2think; Your point is well taken as I used to think Assange is an asshole lefty and maybe he will start releasing stuff on Republicans but maybe we need someone like that to at least slow some of these bastards down (that includes left and right, government and private sector) when they step over the line in what seems to be an endless quest for power and money no matter what it takes. If it takes an Assange to get the people’s hackles up and challenge these people then more power to him.

  5. It is truly a shame that the attack against FOX news by our side neutered the only right of center voice and replaced it with a left of center one.
    The news should be an advisory against both sides, and FOX was.
    A lot of the same people here that complain about the media being only leftist are the same ones who beat FOX to a pulp for refusing to do what the other news outlets were doing.
    After kicking one of your few friends to the curb, you have no right to complain about being lonely.

  6. Not seeing where Assange shut down Maher. Had he said, “No, William, you gave a million dollars TO CLINTON,” then yeah, but I didn’t hear him counter the obfuscation “I gave it to Obama.” But whatever.

  7. Any of you other camera-hog posers want to play with Julian? No? How about you, Matt Damon? Ruffalo? Dicaprio? Nobody?

    Jon Stewart, they tell me you’re coming back to bigfoot the election. You might want to review your old correspondence first. Just an idea.

  8. I hope, when he gets around to conservatives, most of them will be the model conservative.

    Assange has shown that liberals have indeed been what I expect from them. (No reason to elaborate, I assume?) I think conservatives are a reserved (conservative) which makes them less likely to win elections (thus, MAGA), but let us see if I am correct. Or perhaps conservatives are more likely to be concerned about IT security?

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