Keep Calm and Listen To Dr. Betsy McCaughey Talk About AHCA – IOTW Report

Keep Calm and Listen To Dr. Betsy McCaughey Talk About AHCA

If you really want to understand why it was so important to pass the American Health Care Act and how that act will lower premiums for millions of Americans whilst also providing legally binding protections for those with preexisting conditions listen to Dr. Betsy McCaughey on the Dennis Prager show.
There is no one on the national level who understands this issue better than she does. Absolutely NO ONE. – C. Steven Tucker

16 Comments on Keep Calm and Listen To Dr. Betsy McCaughey Talk About AHCA

  1. We’ve lost the entire concept of insurance – one pays a small sum to another to help mitigate the cost of an event that both parties hope never occur. The cost of the insurance is based on the statistical risks that of the event occurring. The lower the risks, the lower the payments.

    “Insuring” a preexisting condition is like forcing a company to provide car insurance for participants in a demolition derby. This is not longer insurance, but financial aid.

    Everyone knows costs will remain high financial aid will be required for preexisting conditions by insurance companies.

  2. Agree with hard truth: Insurance is a shield from liability for an event that has yet to occur. The premium is based on Risk. If you already have AIDS or Cancer, The risk is absolute. 100%, and the payouts must commence immediately. Here’s my $500 premium, now pay my 10,000/mo in expenses! That isn’t insurance.

  3. Hard Truth #2:

    If the government “subsidizes”, or provides financial aid, for a service then the cost of that service tends to increase over time. Uncle Sam as the effect of being a rich consumer who always pays no matter how much the cost rises – therefore distorting the market value.

    This is one of the reasons tuition is so high at most Universities – government guaranteed student loans regardless of the ability to pay. In some cases you’re better off buying your child a house rather than going in debt for college – they now cost about the same.

    The government is now subsidizing preexisting conditions, I wonder what the effect will be?

  4. This new entitlement should be called RINO-care. I am appalled that something like this got through a Republican congress. It’s not insurance, its just Obamacare on new RINO influenced legislation. Can we colonize Mars with the original US constitution but put more teeth in it? We could make the 10th amendment enforceable by death to any legislator violators!

  5. TN Phil, the AHCA embraces the 10th amendment. It does not abandon it. It restores the POWER of the states to establish their own “Essential Health Benefits” and how they manage Medicaid amongst other things. I encourage you to read it. If you’re a fan of our 10th amendment you should be supporting the American Health Care Act not trashing it.

  6. Not yet Jill. It has to pass the Senate first before it goes back to the House for a final vote and then to the President’s desk for signing. I suspect significant changes to the bill as new amendments are proposed and rejected in the upper chamber.

  7. So, the republicans have shifted 13 Billion $$ per year for 10 years from the premiums you and I pay, and will take it out of tax revenues?
    How is that saving us money?
    It’s still a shell game. Obamacare is an entitlement, and will never go away, or get ‘fixed’. It’ll just get worse , like all gov’t entitlements do.
    Repeal first.
    Complete and unadulterated appeal. Then decide what’s truly important for the country. A smaller more manageable plan to start with. Starting out with a large comprehensive plan is nuts. It already looks like an entitlement that’s been around for 60 years.

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