Laura Loomer Rushes Stage Where Trump Lookalike Gets Stabbed – IOTW Report

Laura Loomer Rushes Stage Where Trump Lookalike Gets Stabbed

BenShapiro weighs in-

UPDATE: We just tried calling Laura and got voicemail. But, Laura just texted Pinko and said that she is still in jail. We will try and get her on the phone as soon as we can.

UPDATE 2: She’s out and talking now-

Laura with police backstage before her arrest-

59 Comments on Laura Loomer Rushes Stage Where Trump Lookalike Gets Stabbed

  1. She’s been arrested for disorderly conduct and trespassing.
    Ha ha the Left is called a Nazi for once….but do they even know who Goebell’s was?

    I watched it again. Very gutsy. Holy smokes.

  2. “Sheโ€™s been arrested for disorderly conduct”

    Oh but a graphic play of stabbing to death a sitting U.S. President is not disorderly conduct? I need to shut up. I already rear the black heli copters.

  3. Trespassing? HAHAHAHAHA (oh God, my sides hurt), she had the right to be there and there were no trespassing signs around the stage. Good on her. That will be as good as the collusion investigation. (Disorderly conduct will probably stick though.)

  4. Gotta be some vets on that department. Step 10 is we go get her. That won’t be good. Either side. But damn I’m getting closer to being ready every day. When you put this in perspective, there’s people that need killing. Shit, damn helicopters.

  5. “ just launched. The Rebel reporter who protested the snuff play Shakespeare in the Park is in jail.
    Unbelievable. SHE’S in jail when pro-Trump supporters in San Jose were beaten bloody by Antifa and no one arrested THEM”-via fb

  6. BigGun

    I get that. We need to reach the guy, the ex vet, the Patriot on the beat. Otherwise we’re going to have the two way shooting range going on.
    I guess I’m saying shit’s getting bad enough that we need to get Patriots organize no matter where they are. I’m not a big fan of the last seen in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Who does this? The III Percenters? Not impressed. The Oath Keepers? They seem way to hesitant to commit. Individual Militias have no communication or organization. We need a body to organize us. I’m not seeing that body currently exists.

  7. What’s up with you Shapiro? It was people like Loomer who fought in partisan bands and in the Warsaw Ghetto while dweebs like you were telling everyone to not give the SS any excuse to get violent. Brave up, bu-bu-la.

  8. We either defend and protect the constitution or we don’t. That includes speech and displays that we do not approve of. That does not allow us to lower ourselves to ‘their’ level and a tit-for-tat.

    While I applaud her passion, I would expect the same result if a leftist interrupted my favorite play, 1776.

    Those actions do not eliminate our rights of defense of ourselves nor grant rights to unlawful intercessions.

    The constitutional high ground must be preserved even when we disagree with the idea, until that overt action or request for action takes place, which requires response unto her defense or the defense of others.

  9. I respectfully disagree.
    The rest of the country needed to know what was going on in NY in the immediate aftermath of a congressman getting shot by a left-wing lunatic who sees Kathy Griffin cutting off Trump’s head, Hillary declaring the republican mortal enemies, Obama saying to bring a gun to a knife fight, and this play depicting Donald Trump being gang knifed.

    How do I know the rest of the country doesn’t know?
    Because the NY friggin Post, a right-leaning paper, reported that Loomer was “upset because the play depicts Trump as Caesar.”
    Absolutely no mention that the play stabs Trump to death.
    Yes, it is art, and free speech, but Loomer’s actions were righteous.
    The ONE FRIGGIN’ TIME we have a patriot ringing a clarion bell and we condemn her because of “decorum.” (She didn’t violate anyone’s free speech. That’s ridiculous.)
    She didn’t stop the play from going on. She broadcasted an undocumented commercial during it.
    I’m not telling Loomer to go out and do it.
    I’m not telling someone else to go out and do it.
    But it happened, and I’m not going to hand-wring and condemn it.

  10. I agree with Big Gun on this one. Look, I come from the school that doesn’t believe that institutions should be blamed for people’s actions. Example: McDonalds doesn’t make you fat. You make yourself fat. I will not sit here and play the blame game on institutions, i.e., for an individuals actions. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent. I don’t agree with Ms. Loomer’s actions to be honest with you. Of course I think the play is in extremely bad taste, (that scene anyway), and can only imagine the outcry that would be coming from the Left if it was an Obama look-a-like. I would be just as vocally against it. It’s bullshit. But disrupting public expression, speech, assembly, or whatever you want to call it is bullshit too. You want to protest. Fine! Do it in the proper place. Don’t play the liberal card and disrupt disrespectfully.

    I’ve had 11 PBR’s so far. If I’m rambling and incoherent, I apologize.

  11. We took the high ground by gathering and expressing our views with the tea parties. We were mocked and ridiculed and many of us felt unsafe so we quietly went to work to constitutionally to get our views heard. By 2916 we handed the Repubs everything they wanted-just not the President THEY wanted. The guy who shot up the ballfield full of Republucsns had a hit list and they were the most conservative tea partiesque representatives. Even after that no one defends Trump. It’s about time a brace soul steps up and for once ONE TIME holds a mirror up to have the Left participate in for ONCE being on the receiving end of outrage and name calling. I so admire her bravery. I could never do that. I stepped up and helped the tea parties in the beginning and I will always be proud of that. This is turning into verbal and hand to hand combat. Fine, let’s take the high ground so we can watch the Left run amok below until they start running up the hill after us. It’s like the Republicans are the redcoats standing around being orderly while the minutemen become antiFa. This was the shout heard round the world.

    Sorry if there are typos. Its midnight and I’m on my iPhone. ๐Ÿ˜ก

  12. What’s constitutional about watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants?

    If someone can’t stand up at a play and say, “what you’re doing here? This is really, really frigged up and everyone must be nuts to applaud and cheer and relish this political violence,” without the lecturers disrupting my thread and my post, my art form, (lol) and consplainin’ what a “real conservative” is, well, Looks like we lose the republic.

  13. They told them off and left the play- it took less than 45 seconds. They didn’t bring a hundred friends and try to block them from continuing, they didn’t punch anybody, they didn’t throw blood or acid or urine on anyone, and they didn’t set the place on fire. Same as standing up in a bus and calling the bus driver an asshole and getting off. Deal with it. They left the snowflakes unmelted and the play went on.

  14. Same as booing at a movie. Or booing a band when they annoy you. Or booing a comedian. Or Joe Wilson yelling “you lie!,” something the right applauded at the time.

  15. A Civil War II would be a massacre… of the prissy Right with its That’s Not Who We Are mindset. Bunch of self-regarding and clueless Ashley Wilkeses worried about keeping their white panties clean. I’m more disgusted by the gutless Right than I am by the rabid sewer rats on the left.

  16. Yeah worrying about clean white panties is how we got RINOS like bushes and romneys, mccain, graham, ryan, turtle and eventually obama. But let a little woman scream for a minute in a theater and the upper crusty ‘Conservatives’ soil themselves.

  17. Question: What if a liberal got creeped out by the play and decided to stand up and say what Laura said? Would that be okay now because it was one of ‘them’ who said it and not one of ‘us’?

  18. It would be interesting to know if taxpayers funded this. Not that any lib in NYC would give a shit long enough to focus on a play while they’re busy pissing in public and groping tourists in Times Square. But who the hell would sponsor that mess?

  19. Is Secret Service interested in any of the antifa business during that play or what? Because kathy Griffin has one hell of a case against SS if these fools weren’t investigated like she was.
    The play is still running with all the stabbing and anti-Trump crap going on- but she lost all her gigs and her advertising because she held up his head. I’m not defending her, but this whole thing stinks.

  20. The play is funded through tax dollars and corporate sponsors.
    Loomer’s protest was, in a sense, an airing of her grievances at the government at a government sponsored venue.

  21. I would be pissed it’s tax payer funded.

    I’m also happy that the 1st amendment prevailed on both
    I love that sneaky 2nd amendment that defends the 1st.

    But if they get violent? I’m all for fucking them up.

  22. Ten people outside an Obama-as-Caesar play would be shot by CNN to look like hundreds. Man-on-the-street interviews lots of placard shots and repeated on the half hour. Two hundred people outside this play and nobody would notice and little/no reportage generated save for something like the NYP where the protesters, if acknowledged at all, are angry because of Trump portraying Caesar, no mention of a gang shank of a sitting POTUS fax. Nope, I’m with Fur on this. Sometimes you have to grab them by the nards to get their attention when they won’t give it fairly or freely. The irony of the leftist tactics on leftists is pretty delicioso as well.

  23. I’m not a lawyer, and I don’t pretend to be one on tv (credit Sarah Sanders), but – given the current political climate, the propensity of violent images directed toward our – OUR – President, the evidence of operators behind the resistors (thank you, James O’Keefe), and now the attempted murders of elected officials, – couldn’t this all be tied together in a RICO suit? The play is just one part of a financed overthrow. Follow the money. Haul them in. Before someone dies. I understand the frustration that leads to disrupting a sickening play, but the problem needs to be addressed at a higher level. I hope and pray our President, AG Sessions, and the legal team are gathering the evidence to shut down this treasonous movement.

  24. Play is in extremely poor taste especially with current events concerning attempted assassination of members of congress by an unhinged lunatic, who had a kill list of more Republicans in his pocket.

    Us โ€˜deplorablesโ€™ had enough with the Washington elitists running our country. The Clintonโ€™s, the Bushโ€™s, the Obamaโ€™s, the Kennedyโ€™s. We watched as they took away our freedoms, raised our taxes, and turned our nation into a 3rd world cesspool. With Trump, we took back control.

    The Liberal elite do nothing but bleed the middle class dry. My tax rate is 40% and my healthcare is now $700 per month thanks to Obamacare. My car insurance is still just $25/month (thanks to Insurance-Panda), but if you look at Democrat strongholds like Detroit and New Orleans, where car insurance will run you $300+ per month, itโ€™s easy to be pessimistic about the future of the United Socialist States of America.

    It’s been a long time since we had a President who cared about us. Save our country, President Trump! God bless America!

  25. You all make good points here, and after careful consideration, I agree with most of you. I just get sick of seeing Grade-A Liberal douchebags disrupt every time a conservative speaks at an event. I guess Loomer’s actions triggered me, lol.

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