NJ public school teaches Islam — but no other religions – IOTW Report

NJ public school teaches Islam — but no other religions

EAG: CHATHAM, N.J. – Parents of students at Chatham Middle School are calling on the board of education to eliminate lessons on Islam from the 7th grade social studies curriculum they believe proselytizes the religion.
Several parents attended a board meeting Monday to take aim at materials distributed to students through a “World Cultures and Geography” class they believe cross the line, Tap into Chatham reports.

The parents emailed board members copies of the lessons they believe violate the district’s policy that “no religious beliefs be promoted or disparaged” and handed copies to others in attendance at the meeting, as well.

“In the Middle East and North Africa unit of the class students are taught about the five pillars of Islam in great detail, there are two videos on it, a 20-page PowerPoint presentation, class work, homework, and testing,” parent Libby Hilsenrath told the board. “In this unit, there is no mention of any other religion or teaching of it.

“… When it comes to teaching other religions at this level, it’s not done,” she said.

Hilsenrath went over many of the objectionable homework assignments with board members in detail, including lessons that require students to memorize and write the Islamic conversion prayer.

The rest is here, with Tucker Carlson.

2 Comments on NJ public school teaches Islam — but no other religions

  1. for years i’ve heard the ragheads saying there will one day be a muslim flag flying at our whitehouse. i had always assumed it would be them that would attempt and fail…. now i realize it was our own liberal idiots they were speaking of.

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