President elect Trump finally gets specific on how he will handle preexisting conditions in the individual health insurance market – IOTW Report

President elect Trump finally gets specific on how he will handle preexisting conditions in the individual health insurance market

He decided to reestablish State High Risk Health Insurance Pools. Oh and he really IS pro life. It wasn’t just a campaign promise.

This is a big deal. He has never addressed how he would handle pre-existing conditions in the individual market.- c. steven tucker

26 Comments on President elect Trump finally gets specific on how he will handle preexisting conditions in the individual health insurance market

  1. Pre-existing conditions can’t be “insured.”

    They aren’t “high risk” – they are absolute certainties – NO risk whatsoever.

    I guess that makes it sound more palatable … maybe that’s a good thing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “Protect innocent human life from conception to natural death, including the most defenseless and those Americans with disabilities”

    I read that and dropped to my knees and praised God

  3. I’ve encountered an insurance company calling a previous malady ‘pre-existing’ until a Dr. signs off on it as being in remission (finished). Then it’s no longer a problem. I know of people with conditions that are stable and require no constant treatment, insurance companies will accept them. Sometimes the rate is a bit higher. Kinda like car insurance with an old violation or two on your record. It all depends.
    For an insurance company to accept someone who is undergoing treatment could be financially disastrous for the company (and the rest of the pool). One size does not fit all.

  4. All I’m going to say is: I’d still rather only have insurance for “oh shit i’m in the hospital” care than ” my zit is infected” care.
    I’m pre-existing, but self- managed. I don’t think I should be treated as if I’m high risk.
    And I don’t want to be anywhere near anything to do with gubmint healthcare.

  5. I’m torn on this one. As an American, I would hope that we can take care of those of our citizens that, through no fault of their own, cannot work or obtain health care. On the other hand, I agree with MJA that I don’t want government involved in my health care in any way. Nor to I want non-citizens to benefit from our largesse.

    What is the solution? I don’t know, and it seems neither does anyone else or we wouldn’t be in this mess.

  6. A lot of companies will agree to have the carrier cover a pre-existing condition. Most policies now (especially when you go over 50 members) are ASO (Administrative Services Only) meaning the employer pays the cost of the claim plus an administration fee the carrier charges to process it. The carrier will help the company out in determining how much it’s going to cost and what cuts have to be made to the current plan to cover it. It also usually has a annual or lifetime cap to the coverage. This is usually done in the case of an employee of special value to the company or the prior condition isn’t a massively expensive one.

  7. Suggested solution: allow people to open health savings accounts that can be used for any medical bill, even those of others. As long as the money is being spent for a medical item who cares if it’s for your self, for your parent, or for your neighbor. In other words, get the government and insurance companies out of my ass for good. I’m sick and tired of hearing “we won’t cover that, you’ll have to pay out of pocket” even though a person has paid into “INSURANCE” for decades. You will be amazed at how fast prices fall when the system isn’t being scammed by everyone!

  8. I think it has more to deal with how health care costs are managed. Regarding how Obamacare did this, let’s start with a non-functional website that cost several BILLION dollars to produce…

  9. I’m on my own, personal, journey to Make America Great Again. I’m starting by loosing those XX number of pounds that have crept on (making the excuse that they are just the ‘normal’ part of aging). Americans need to lose weight! It used to be that a fat person or two was the exception and now, everywhere you go, there’s fat kids, fat teens, fat adults and fat old people.

    Isn’t it a conservative value to start with yourself and do your part instead of letting the gov’t pick up the pieces?

  10. Well Golly Gee Wiz! He proposes what many of us have said all along. They didn’t need to create this huge, ridiculous, complicated Obamacare crap. All they had to do was address the problems that existed in the current systems at the time and open up competition across state lines.
    But, doing that wouldn’t get us to single-payer…would it?

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