Red State Contributing Editor Neil Stevens Says Illegal Aliens Should Be Armed So They Can, We Can Only Guess, Shoot Trump Supporters – IOTW Report

Red State Contributing Editor Neil Stevens Says Illegal Aliens Should Be Armed So They Can, We Can Only Guess, Shoot Trump Supporters

What exactly are Trump supporters doing that would require illegal aliens to have to shoot “Trumpers”?

Of course this bloated, sweaty dope (is bloated and sweaty a prerequisite at Red State?) will say he meant illegal aliens should be armed with pillows. He’ll weasel out of his statement, for sure, because he looks like a weasel.

32 Comments on Red State Contributing Editor Neil Stevens Says Illegal Aliens Should Be Armed So They Can, We Can Only Guess, Shoot Trump Supporters

  1. He’s an attention whore. It’s the only way these #neverTrump scum can get any eyeballs. Fuck’ em.

    In the meantime, the BLM/SJW crowd sees this and takes it seriously. I predict a lot of blood. Our side is heavily armed and we don’t fire our weapons sideways.

  2. A #NeverTrump Poster Child if I ever saw/read one.

    Arm illegals? AFTER SAN JOSE?!?!?

    And here I was, about to say
    how sensible AWD was suggesting
    Trump rally attendees
    carry pepper spray and travel in groups.

    But noooooo…..

    Fine, then.
    GIVE illegals firearms…AND this A§$H*LE’s address.

  3. This is going to get worse before it gets better. There’s a group called Bikers For Trump. We need to enlist these guys for protection outside the events. You won’t be able to get a can of pepper spray inside the events.

  4. Makes perfect sense the dipshits claiming to be true conservatives want guns out of the hands of legal citizens exercising their right to assemble peaceably and hand them over to the violent illegals here due to their open border policy born out of love BS. And they wonder why with the cards stacked in their favor all their candidates resoundingly lost.

  5. If by “It’s time we armed illegal aliens” he means “It’s time we should give guns to illegal aliens” then he is conspiring to commit a feddle felony.

    I guess this means he is an advocate for wholesale repeal of gun control laws. (-:

  6. Uh, Barry already has, and its already cost us the life of a brave Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
    I want to see this guy achieve the first near earth orbit via cannon.

  7. Bad Brad. Great video. Won’t be seen on the news though.
    I’m sure there are thousands of Mexicans in the country
    who love it here and are sick and tired of the bullshit, just like Lloyd Marcus is sick and tired of the “Roots” slavery bullshit.

  8. Tommy, I haven’t seen to many of these HIRED protesters that weigh as much as my left leg. We need to start getting some muscle out side these events. Did you notice in that video the rest of the protesters were standing way in the back ground.

  9. You know what Eric Erickson, Neil Stevenson, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan have in common. The all wear those faggy white under shirts. So if your wearing white faggy undershirts stop. They are obviously dangerous.

  10. Arming the enemies of America.

    That used to have a name, didn’t it?
    Well, didn’t it? I can’t remember …

    Little late for “Fast and Furious” isn’t he?

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Like the time The Rolling Stones hired the Hell’s Angels for security. Trump should tap into those guys for muscle. They don’t mess around. 😈

  12. I got into it with Neil Stephens several years ago because I stood with the EDL and Tommy Robinson at the time. Stephens had his panties in a wad because Tommy wore a St. George Cross mask when protesting and was a violent football hooligan. That was the last time I evre commented there.

    Now I see that this smug f*cker Stephens has come all the way around to supporting violent rioting football hooligans wearing bandana masks. Glad I never wasted another minute at RedState.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Neil Stevens is human scum and Im being generous in using the word human. – Neil Stevens from Arlington Virginia is a demented psychotic lunatic who belongs in jail.

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