The Truth About Hillary’s Bizarre Behavior – IOTW Report

The Truth About Hillary’s Bizarre Behavior

Paul Joseph Watson- Hillary’s bizarre behavior and strange seizures: Is she having a breakdown or does she actually have brain damage?

I asked mental health experts about her strange outbursts that have been caught on camera.

h/t BookwormRoom

33 Comments on The Truth About Hillary’s Bizarre Behavior

  1. Wow I didn’t think much of the videos I’d seen of her alleged seizures, but with the video in slow mo you can really see that there is something going on there.

    This is really frightening and needs to be brought to light, ASAP.

  2. Just throwing this out there. People on anti-seizure meds often have two major side effects. First, they start chewing on their tongue. Second, the medicine that stops Nerve impulses to muscles preventing trembling, will supress the nerves controlling the bowels and bladder. The result is constipation and difficulty emptying the bladder. Thus the hole in the tongue, and the long bathroom break can be explained.

  3. Some say she can’t handle the stress of the campaign, but that’s the least of her worries. Consider where she gets most of her money from. Huge campaign donors, Wealthy wall street people, countries like Saudi Arabia and others who donate to her campaign, the Clinton Foundation, and the Clinton’s overpaid speeches.
    These are very powerful and influential people who expect favors for their “generosity”, and if she doesn’t win the general election, she won’t be able to deliver. She would be lucky if the then President Trump threw her in prison, that way at least she’d be offered some protection.

  4. I believe that there is a very deep psychological component to Hillary’s current situation, and I’ve seen no discussion of it anywhere in the media.

    The Clintons have now been married for over forty years. During that time Bill has parlously underperformed as a husband, cheating on Hillary constantly and causing a very special type of humiliation for her given the very public nature of their marriage.

    Most women would have kicked Bill to the curb years ago. But Hillary’s still hangin’ in there. I believe that the ONLY reason Hillary is still married to Bill is the access to power that he has provided her, and the platform from which she can launch her own power.

    What if Hillary loses the election? THAT’s what’s scaring her to death and putting her in such a foul temper. If she fails to win this year, she’s caput, finito–and failure to grab the biggest brass ring of all will mean 40+ years of riding this toxic, dysfunctional carousel will all be for naught.

  5. I find it odd that one overly exuberant “yeee–ah” ended Howard Dean’s political aspirations but she can have numerous spastic, inappropriate physical reactions to very normal stimuli and not a peep from the media…

  6. “I believe that the ONLY reason Hillary is still married to Bill is the access to power” – gfy

    Anyone who didn’t see that back in the 90s was blinder than a bat.

  7. Her handlers can’t control her mental and physical issues forever. I’ll say it again… sometime soon, she will have a severe and disturbing breakdown on camera that no one will be able to deny. As if the two seizures already captured on camera aren’t enough.

    She’s goin’ down.

  8. Hillery’s Ritz Cracker lost it’s cheese some time ago. And if the Secret Service sees this aberrant mental behavior they must know she is unfit to fulfill the duties and obligations of the Office of the President. If they keep silent about her condition they are endangering the country and violating their oath to defend the Constitution that every federal officer must take. They are abetting a criminal action and should be prosecuted.

  9. She’s possessed.
    The evil demon inside her makes her do shit that looks funny because the evil demon is trying to make US look stupid for allowing the charade to continue.
    She’s taunting us.
    She’s saying “So what if I’m crazy, evil, or whatever … you’re STILL going to vote for me – morons.”
    She’s shit on America for 40-some years and continues to do so, enriching herself and her vile, greedy cronies along the way.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Menotu, that’s probably putting an incredible amount of stress on Hillary — she has to do all she can now to try and convince people that she’s not the crazy one.

    This could turn out to be very entertaining.

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