Trump Supporter Attacked in San Jose For… Supporting Trump – IOTW Report

Trump Supporter Attacked in San Jose For… Supporting Trump

HT/ C. Steven Tucker

27 Comments on Trump Supporter Attacked in San Jose For… Supporting Trump

  1. Fucking stupid beaner cunts… Even people who hate Trump have to ask themselves if they think this country will have a better future catering to violent taco-bending Mexican motherfuckers who wave the fucking Mexican flag, call the US “Mexico”, burn the US flag, and say, “America was never great” is really gonna work out well for the average US citizen in any way?

  2. @ Bad Brad you’re 100% right! Conservatives need to fight back!
    People start defending yourselves, meet violence with violence these people are playing to keep, no more turn the other cheek bullshit.
    Leftist are the minority! To all you never Trump idiots f_ck you choose sides or get out of the way.

  3. Yup. It’s time to start fighting back. If these bastards keep this up and the press actually starts covering it, it’s going to increase the anger from those of us that are the “silent majority” and, I will venture to say, get Trump elected. To be honest, I think he’s going to win anyway.

  4. I don’t know about attacking them back… now DEFENDING ourselves, that’s fine. But we’re just gonna have to take the higher [cautious] ground and avoid being seen like they’re painting us, violent and hateful. We need to speak softly, but carry a big stick. 😡 [or you know… mace/pepper spray… maybe a police whistle.]

  5. @avgdude12:

    I upvoted your comment, but trust me, it isn’t just the Mexicans. I work in the only jurisdiction in the United States that is majority-Hispanic, and I deal with clients from every Spanish-speaking country in the world.

    While all of my clients are pleasant and polite, the Hispanic litigants are typically as dumb as a post. And I’m not even talking about the language barrier, which is actually a moot point because we have skilled interpreters on our staff.

    None of them know anything about anything. Every day they pass street signs on their corners but they have no clue how the names of their streets are spelled. Women don’t know the birthdays of their own children, or the names of their grandchildren’s fathers. Men file for Orders of Protection against their wives because they come home at night to dirty apartments and uncooked dinners. The other day I had a woman who was tired of disagreeing with her baby daddy over the child, so she was filing for an order of joint legal custody “to settle matters without conflict.” Huh? Her thinking was so unfocused that couldn’t even prepare her petition, referring her to an attorney instead. And I won’t even start about the problem of explaining process service to them.

    Of course, these high-maintenance peopLe ALL receive benefits. How could anyone this dense hold a job? We need to stop ALL immigration now, not just that of the muzzies.

  6. Vigorous self defense is the answer, not becoming scum ourselves.
    Once you start acting like the left, you become the left. That is their goal with this kind of provocation.

  7. I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with JohnS. At this point, if we started attacking them, it would play right into obama/jarrett’s hands. They’ve been trying to start civil unrest for years. They would just LOVE it if Trump supporters started acting like those savages.

    When DT is elected – he is going to GET THEM OUTTA HERE! And if that doesn’t happen, then it’s time to fight back.

  8. This political repression may not be dealt with by the cops. But hopefully these thuggish, anti-American “reconquistas” will be paid a visit by the Deportation Squad under the next administration.

  9. The mobs only behave like that because they feel you are unarmed, one guy with a gun will send them scampering like cockroaches. At what point are you bleeding enough?
    Where does the stop?

  10. Trumps in Redding today. I’m petty sure that town is the origin of the term “Red Neck”. Lol.

    This has the potential of being very interesting if the protesters show up.

  11. Learn a lesson from how the Black Panthers ‘peacefully’ stood outside a polling place.

    Have no doubt, this is Soros/Aisles/liberal thugs financed and pushed.

  12. My take. That was the act of a coward. It is not difficult to walk up behind a man, cold cock him and run like hell.
    I am sure that with a little effort the police could find this slug I hope they do. I hope though that no Trump supporter resorts to that type of cowardly shit.
    “It’s not who we are”! We believe in free speech, free expression, and the freedom to walk down the fucking street without being assaulted.
    I’m pissed. Find the slug and prosecute him.

  13. B_B,
    It’s time for Americans to get organized. In fact, past time.
    You don’t have to be a Trump supporter to want America to be Great Again (but it helps).
    Rat-people, Parasites, other assorted Socialists, and their enablers are anathema to the Constitution, American exceptionalism, Liberty, and Freedom.

    It may be time for an amicable divorce.

    And as for the idea that resistance to tyranny plays into the hands of tyrants, ask the passive Jews who subscribe to that notion. Ask the Armenians. Ask the Cossacks. Ask the Nazarenes of Syria and Iraq. Ask the Kurds. Ask the … aw, fuck it … I’m wasting my typing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Yes Brad. Pretty awful. I still say the Revolutionary Communist Party is behind all this. Bad days ahead.
    Imagine a mayor blaming a Presidential candidate for causing the violence by visiting American cities?
    We’re in deep shit!

  15. When I was in my teens and twenties I had a simple to understand reputation:

    So you want to fight me… you already knew going in that win, lose or draw I will go again with you next week, but you will never want another piece of me. I will seriously fuck you up. I will get you down into a ground fight and will injure you. The only thing that will save you additional fists, knees, elbows, teeth and head buts will be that there were enough bystanders to pull me off your ass.

    I don’t play that shit.

  16. When I returned from V/Nam, I was an angry man. A 6’4″, hard as a rock, skilled in weapons, angry man.
    Years of help have turned that angry man around but like @JDHasty, had a bad rep.
    40 years later, people who angered me in the past will ask if I am going to be at a celebration, party, get together.
    I am sorry for this, if I could take it back I would.
    Don’t become me, please.

  17. “Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these violent and unruly people with which we have had to contend. Grant us the strength for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as righteous soldiers who call Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.” ~ As paraphrased from the prayer written by Chaplain Fr. James O’Neill.

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