Trump vs. Cruz – One 5 minute video – compare the 2 candidates – IOTW Report

Trump vs. Cruz – One 5 minute video – compare the 2 candidates

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53 Comments on Trump vs. Cruz – One 5 minute video – compare the 2 candidates

  1. I gotta say, Trump comes across as a guy who says “fuck this shit”, while Cruz comes across as a guy who says “I’m willing to hear what the opposing Democrats have to say”.

  2. We need someone Completely out of tune with DC in order to take hold of DC again. Trump doesn’t need DC. He probably hates the living shit out of it.

    Gotta say, he’s doing more of a service to DC than Rush ever did, politically-involved-wise. Rush wouldn’t touch DC with a ten foot pole.

  3. Both have the same idea though on border: SECURE. The other portions of the MSM convo is heartstrings. Well, let Mexico put them up! Until they go through the legal process of becoming an American. Nationalism is really being shoved. We need to push back, whatever that looks like, amigo.

  4. Cruz is/was my NUMBER ONE guy. BUT lots of polito-speak coming from Cruz. “Start with bi-partisan agreement” FUCK THAT SHIT! First of all – you have a Republican Congress, you have a Republican Senate. Why do you need bi-partisanship? This is the WEAK POLITICAL WISHY-WASHY POSITION COMING FROM TED CRUZ!
    I hear convoluted political bullshit from my #1 guy.
    Then I hear Trump – PLAIN AND FUCKING SIMPLE. We’re going to build a wall. We’re going to throw out the trash. Good enough for me. We give Trump a shot. If he fails – we fire him. You can’t do any worse than all the political hacks we have! And I can’t stand Trump. He’s a POMPOUS ASS! As each day passes, I’m on board with that jerk.

  5. Every day, I’m more and more sold on Trump. After seeing this, and I don’t mean to diminish the paraphrased words of St. Peter, but, where else can we turn. Trump has the words of sanity. I like Carson but he’s not good on the Second Amendment. I liked Cruz, but…

  6. I got that too…yet, he is firm on securing borders FIRST, and then can msnage the rest; otherwise it’s like trying to keep a tub with a hole full of water, without discussing the patch job.

  7. gotta say …Cruz is/was my guy…but this claptrap political ‘schpeal’ will no longer cut it…..either Man-up or get out!
    Trump…more & more ….is looking like the answer

  8. I’ve been a Cruz guy from years ago. I’m really disappointed to hear this need for bipartisanship coming from him! We need to be in this to win this, and you don’t win anything by finding common ground with traitors. Fuck that. Trump is pretty close to having my support. I know…..I can’t believe it either.

  9. Trump, as crass as he is, is closer to a Reagan than we’ve seen in many years. I’ve read a book by Willard F. Rockwell titled “The Rebellious Colonel Speaks”. This was the guy who began the Rockwell industry in the early 1900s. Reading his speeches was like listening to Rush, but it was from the 1930s onward. He talked about communism, derelict admirals who screwed up needed ammunition, etc. DC was taken over way back then. Thank you Woodrow Wilson, goddam communist bastard.

  10. Is it possible that one of the most successful salesmen in the history of the world knows a little bit about reading his sales prospects, and telling them what they want to hear in order to seal the deal? Like, “I’ve changed my mind about a woman’s right to choose being non-negotiable?” And single-payer, universal healthcare? And a ban on “assault weapons?”

    In other words, I’m not buying what Trump is selling. He’s smart enough to know what we want to hear, and he’s telling us those things. If I actually believed him, I might vote for him, despite the fact that his ridiculous ego would be a daily embarrassment to the country.

  11. Pinko — I could have written the same comment, word for word. I’m like, “This is nuts!” And now I’m not even sure Trump is all that pompous, just so incredibly confident. I love it when he just throws up his hands at the guy and says “I just can’t deal with this.” Then ramos shuts up. No doubt about it, Trump commands the room.

  12. I was clenching my jaw so hard it’s still sore. Cruz sounded so much like a slippery politico it was embarrassing! And twice Kelly asked the fallacious question about US citizen kids being deported. Only the freaking illegal parents can be deported. The kids can stay or leave with the parents back to their country of origin. it’s their decision! No one is separating if sending them back to Mexico is an atrocity or something. Millions of kids live in Mexico with their parents for crying out loud. Not just Mexico but any other nation.

  13. Whoa! Scary stuff. Cruz was tripping over his tongue. He drifted into lawyer/slick politician mode. Trump on the other hand, is very decisive and a very shrewd business man. He knows how to seal the deal. Trump may seem bombastic, but it’s one trait that will blindside our enemies and put fear in their dark hearts, if he starts building that fence. Mr. Trump is looking better and better. He’ll have my vote if he’s an Independent or Republican nominee.

  14. So disappointed in Cruz.
    Thought he was a straight shooter, but it’s obvious he’s nothing but a Washington DC insider.
    Shocked. Completely disillusioned with him.


    I wanted him for a vp candidate for Trump.

    Now, forget it. Forget that piece of crap

  15. O’Reilly is a blow hard. He is ok with throwing out illegal gang bangers but the other “law abiding people” need to stay. No, Bill, you just described them as illegal when you posed your question. How can an illegal alien be law abiding?

  16. Trump is forcing himself to follow through on illegal immigration. It’s his number one campaign promise! I think he believes that what he is saying is the truth, therefore, in order to make America great again, he would need to start by fixing this immigration and border mess. I believe he will.

  17. Cruz was not wishy-washy. He wanted to control the narrative. He wasn’t going to let her ask the question because it was a gotcha question.

    Yes, we wanted him to answer it like Trump did, but Cruz was right. It’s not something that will be done immediately. You start with the most important cases – getting a mechanism in place to keep out those illegal aliens we already catch and deport from coming back.

    You get that in place (the wall, more border guards, better surveillance), then you work on getting the violent illegal aliens out. You know that Obama keeps releasing them from prison back onto the streets, right? That’s first before deporting children.

    All the while that is happening, you will be having the fight to settle the issue of misinterpreting the 14th amendment. Once you have people not calling anchor babies citizens, it will be easier to deal with getting them deported.

  18. Hey Brad you know I support Cruz but I love what Trump is doing, I think it’s great, I’m just putting out information. As conservatives we should all want to be as educated as possible on Trump and Cruz. This is a turning point for conservatives in this Country just like it was for progressives when Obama was elected.

  19. Maybe that’s why he’s taking photo-ops with a large “magical” axe. LOL

    But seriously, how smart can Putin be when he is cozing up to Iran and helping Iran when they’re long-range plans are to attack and destroy Russia too, just so he can poke the US in the eye?

  20. Brad, you know that government doesn’t create jobs. Trump does because he is a business man.

    What Cruz will do is to reverse all of Obama’s job killing regulations. When businesses are then free to expand, they will.

    That said, I have not made my choice. I just don’t think that this response to a gotcha question from a vicious punk (who thinks it’s her job to shill for the establishment) is enough to throw Cruz in the trash because he tried to control the narrative.

    I’ll wait and see what happens. I’m ready to vote for Trump depending on how things turn out.

  21. Maybe Cruz will hire Trump to build the wall.

    At this time, it’s not Cruz vs Trump. It’s Trump AND Cruz vs establishment/Democrats. They both deserve support against the real enemy. I’m glad they are both running.

  22. Cruz’s response was very measured and thoughtful. He only used the term “bipartisanship” to beef up his argument. Trump’s response was very measured, thoughtful. With one hot red ghost pepper thrown in! One was dealing with an amnesty bedwetter. The other was dealing with a bimbo. Of course you’re gonna have different responses.

    Trump/Cruz for 8 years and the Cruz/Monster Conservative for another 8!?

  23. i’ve said the same thing. Ist Corinthian 15,50. At the last Trump. God does funny things. There is no such thing as coincidences and I think this is his plan. I was all Cruz, but now not so much. I am drifting towards a plan spoken and successful businessman because lawyers have been running the show ever since Reagan.

  24. Maybe it’s good cop/bad cop. That’s negotiation teamwork 101. Same message, different style. The lead negotiator beats up on them and when he leaves the room in disgust, his partner tells a joke and gets them to concede the point.

    That’s exactly what Kelly did. She left the question after Cruz politely called her a liberal journalist playing a game.

  25. Claiming there is bipartisan agreement to “do everything possible to secure the border” is an Obama-esque howler. The sky isn’t blue, it’s green, it’s green I’m telling you. Just like his cohorts he thinks conservatives are absolute fools.

  26. Anonymous was me. Jeez downloaded a security update on this computer and it’s not doing well.

    Claudia, It’s the entire Fox Crew again. I watched Morning Joe this morning and they had a much fairer account of what happened with Trump and Ramos than Fox did. They were using words like “Brilliant, Presidential”. Fox has an agenda.

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