What you should know about Reality Leigh Winner – IOTW Report

What you should know about Reality Leigh Winner

A 25-year-old federal contract worker in Augusta, Georgia has been charged by the Department of Justice for taking Top Secret materials from her workplace and mailing them to a news outlet.

She was charged with gathering, transmitting or losing defense information that could have been damaging to the U.S. It’s alleged that she took a Top Secret document, copied it and mailed it to a news organization believed to be The Intercept, NBC News reported, though the organization was not named in the federal court documents.


She is anti-Trump.
She faces 10 years in prison.
Hillary is free.


ht/ js

48 Comments on What you should know about Reality Leigh Winner

  1. She also tweeted her support for the Iranian regime.

    In February 2017 she tweeted this in reply to Iran’s Foreign minister:
    “There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!”

    This scrunt is a traitor. Clearly they don’t vet people very carefully when giving them top secret clearance.

  2. canary’s gonna sing loud & long … Session’s JD gonna make her a sweet deal … either squawk or start liking carpet munching for a long, long time … & one day, after you’ve acquired the tattoos & calloused tongue, you’ll find yourself on the wrong end of a ‘self-inflicted’ accident

    you’re just a cog for the Progressives baby … absolutely disposable … like Stalin/Alinsky/Hillary said, ‘gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette’
    have a nice rest of your too short life

  3. Throw the book at her! Promise her a plead deal then renege. Makes me wonder just how many more “Reality” types have Top Secret clearance?

  4. She is or will be a hero of the left. A martyr. Don’t overdo the condemnation. She is a run of the mill sell-out for money using a cocked-up ideology to mask her greed and damaged ego.

  5. The employer needs to be made an example as well.
    Damn negligent sloppy security.
    All contractors need to be forcefully “reminded” they will be held criminally liable for employee leakers.

    And yes. HIlary needs to be incarcerated, if not shot. Lock her up.

  6. Was she conceived during a season finale of Survivor? WTH kind of name is “Reality”? Is it French? Is it her attempt at a secret code name like Deep Throat?

    It’s too darn unrealistic!

  7. They don’t check social media for immigrants, and now it appears they don’t check it for security clearances.
    She was on twitter as ‘sarah winners’ @reezlie
    That’s scrubbed now, it appears, but her postings should have kept her out of any security work.
    “Due diligence,” my ass.
    MSM is presenting this as what was leaked as ‘not being that important.’ Content doesn’t matter, classification does.
    Off to the pokey with her!

  8. The left wants badly to believe Russia stole the election. This “intelligence”, like others, is suspect. And CIA ability to masquerade as Russian makes all of it suspect.

  9. One of my boys can’t say beans about why he had to go to two different sides of the world for several weeks at a time. Often the only way I figure out where he went is if I ask him about the restaurants and what were some of the more memorable foods.

    One of my boys doesn’t want a security clearance the contractor wants him to have.

  10. Somebodies both within the gov’t and at the contractor’s business needs to be fired or go to jail over their negligence. It takes a lot of paperwork to acquire a Secret and a Top Secret clearance. Somebody(s) really messed up. I noticed her FB and Twitter accts have nothing posted since February.

    Her real name is Sara. She made up her own “Reality”.

  11. When I was being vetted for my Top Secret Umbra clearance back in the mid-70’s, the FBI visited just about everybody I had ever known. Neighbors, friends, relatives, teachers, employers and others were questioned. When I got out of the Air Force, they all wanted to know what in the heck I was doing.

  12. Dear Democrat,

    Membership in your party is now considered grounds for revoking your security clearance and all government database accounts. Now get the fuck outta here.


    Everyone who gives a shit about this country.

  13. Sessions should make a deal as long as she names all the people involved and will testify at their trials. The deal should be eight years in federal prison not ten and she does 90% of the sentence. Obama is gone and the rule of law has to be re-established after languishing under him, Bush, Clinton and Bush.

  14. First: we need to KNOW who hired her! Second: the contractor she worked for needs to exit NOW! Third: NO BAIL! Fourth: her supervisor should be arrested NOW! Fifth: all STAFF at this NSA facility must be interviewed and given CIA sponsored LIE-DETECTOR tests asap! Sixth: Max. jail time as an example! (25 yrs)

  15. I bet she got too many of those Publisher’s Clearing House letters. You know – the ones that say, “You May Already Be A Winner”? That would probably be enough to unhinge somebody with a name like hers.

  16. Deep state intel ain’t deep thinkers are they? Almost makes you yearn for the old spooks from the Hoover years. There’s too many holes in this fairy tale to unwind, but a few glaring:

    1. She was employed by a contractor, not direct NSA. Our intel agencies partner with 5000 loose lips sink ships “contractors”. They may as well use Kelly Services.
    2. Although her social media was chock full of red flags, tats covering her entire back, support of ISNA/Iran, etc, she was still hired in Feb 2017. College degree used to be required for intel agencies, even low tier positions.
    3. Her mother states she was fluent in farsi/pashtu/urdu, all self taught. Yeah right. Rosetta Stone? Military?
    4. Comey is fired 5/9. She accesses said doc 5/9. She is 1 of 6 people who accessed the doc, but we don’t know if she’s the only one who printed it. However, she’s the only one who had the email contact for The Intercept on her ‘company” computer. The Intercept has specific instructions on their site to contact them via TOR, not snail mail, not email.
    6. The ‘smoking gun’ The Intercept puts forth is a doc purportedly from 5/7/17, but is nothing more than a retread of the report from 3 intel agencies (supposedly comprised of 17 agencies back in Jan/Feb?) which essentially states, Russia instigated a phishing campaign, not actual voter hacking. Per the article, the report shows the ‘mechanics, not the raw data intelligence’ of Russian hacking. I’m shocked the Nigerians aren’t the only ones phishing!
    7. The Intercept contacted an unnamed source at one of the intel agencies to verify authenticity of the doc. This would be the equivalent of Julian Assange contacting NSA. Why would they blow her cover & ruin their reputation of protecting sources? Is Greenwald a CIA/NSA disinformation source?

    This is keystone cops, releasing the Hillary lost the election because of Russia/Trump colluded with the Russians/illegitimate presidency/grounds for impeachment story ahead of Comey’s testimony.

    People on social media are all excited that she’s so stupid that she’ll sing and heads will start to roll. She has no knowledge of any higher ups, in fact, the realization she’s a patsy must be slowly sinking in.

  17. Time to get damned serious about leaking confidential information. This leakin’ bitch and dozens, if not hundreds, of others must follow into prison. Huma, Rodham, half the DNC, most of Rodham’s SoS staff, all should be investigated, indicted if found true, and punished to the maximum penalty. This isn’t fun and games, this is YREASON.

  18. All I see is people making fun of her name and appearance. This is so serious and we all should be alert.
    Like Engelburka, I question how The Intercept played this? What’s Greenwald participation? He’s in Brazil -no extradition. His “husband”, a former beach bum, was just recently elected to Rio de Janeiro’s city council. David has no experience, never worked, his only claim to fame is that he is G’s “hubby”. I don’t trust any Liberal. I’m still trying to find one to prove me wrong.
    These people have great influence. It’s scary to see them infiltrated like that.

  19. The girl is a pathetic byproduct of our education system, but why should SHE go to prison and Hillary remain free for doing much much WORSE?
    I say no punishments for traitors until Hillary gets hers.

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