Will Meryl Streep Condemn Harvey Weinstein Who She Called ‘God’? – IOTW Report

Will Meryl Streep Condemn Harvey Weinstein Who She Called ‘God’?

Breitbart: Veteran actress Meryl Streep has been silent in the wake of a bombshell New York Times report alleging decades of sexual harassment allegations against the Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein, who she once called “God.”

Streep and Weinstein have years of history — in her 2012 Golden Globe acceptance speech, the actress thanked “God – Harvey Weinstein.” The pun was met with thunderous applause by the star-studded.

Streep’s silence in the wake of the myriad allegations facing Weinstein has not gone unnoticed.

Best-selling author and conservative commentator Ann Coulter called out Streep for remaining mum over Weinstein, while repeatedly trashing President Trump.


33 Comments on Will Meryl Streep Condemn Harvey Weinstein Who She Called ‘God’?

  1. Streep has enough $$ to take care of HER future generations for at least 1000 years. She couldn’t care less if we go to her movies, or what we think of her, because she is a daughter of her god. I (personally) worship the Son of MY God, and truly wish that she would meet Him. Harv’s a loser.

  2. I just *relish* the thought of how these Leftists foamed at the mouth at what Trump *said* (about what some women allow wealthy men to do) versus their utter SILENCE at what Weinstein DID for decades.

    I only hope their bottling up all their emotions makes them explode!

  3. Of course she will. At the same time she leaves the country because George Bush was reelected. Hollyweird, so good at keeping their word, praising child rapists and scum bags.

  4. I always read about the “casting couch” but had no idea it was so FUGLY. How many so called actresses accepted Weinstein’s advances to obtain roles? That’s why this was such a closely guarded secret for so long.

  5. Did he hit on any famous male actors? I guarantee Matt Damon didn’t get to where he is today without smoking a pole or two. Or three. Or four. Huh. My brow’s starting to sweat.

  6. Czar of Defenestration October 9, 2017 at 9:32 am

    I just *relish* the thought of how these Leftists foamed at the mouth at what Trump *said* (about what some women allow wealthy men to do) versus their utter SILENCE at what Weinstein DID for decades.

    I only hope their bottling up all their emotions makes them explode!

    Czar, we now have another weapon to use against them when we need it. We’ll keep reminding them of Weinstein and how they said nothing against yet all the while trashing whoever. Always turn it around on them, it shuts their pie hole up every time.

  7. The New York Times broke the story so they can say they are fair and objective. Ten thousand hate America, Conservatives, or Christians articles is equal to ratting out one democrat. Also, the NYTs is doing their part to keep Clinton and Obama felonies off the front page. Another possibility: Weinstein boinked the wrong NYTs wives and daughters.

  8. Was Streep coerced into giving Weinstein massages, while naked, or watching him shower? Or is there more?

    As many times Streep has been on her knees, she should be in the NFL.

    Weinstein’s money was used to pay off those he abused and harassed.

  9. TO judgeroybean
    If you’re right, then the Left (NY – NYC – currency: money) is eating the Left (CA – Hollywood – currency: fame).

    I really wonder about the dynamics of this. Almost too good to be true!

  10. Czar of Defenestration: Harvey Weinstein was allegedly outed as a perv to the NYT by his brother and business partner. The perv has been fired from his own company and the brother is running it all. Funny how that works.

  11. I love how these so called “stars” show utter disgust at the thought of worshipping the Christian God and mock those who do but when given the chance they worship ordinary men and perverted men at that.

    now that’s hypocrisy.

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