1 in 5 electric vehicle owners in California switched back to gas because charging their cars was ridiculous – IOTW Report

1 in 5 electric vehicle owners in California switched back to gas because charging their cars was ridiculous


In roughly three minutes, you can fill the gas tank of a Ford Mustang and have enough range to go about 300 miles with its V8 engine.

But for the electric Mustang Mach-E, an hour plugged into a household outlet gave Bloomberg automotive analyst Kevin Tynan just three miles of range.

“Overnight, we’re looking at 36 miles of range,” he told Insider. “Before I gave it back to Ford, because I wanted to give it back full, I drove it to the office and plugged in at the charger we have there.”

Standard home outlets generally put out about 120 volts of power at what electric vehicle aficionados call “Level 1” charging, while the high-powered specialty connections offer 240 volts of power and are known as “Level 2.”

“If you don’t have a Level 2, it’s almost impossible,” said Tynan, who has tested a wide range of makes and models of PEVs over the years for his research.

Public charging stations may look like the electric version of the gas station, but nearly two-thirds of PEV drivers in the survey said they didn’t use them. Exactly why they didn’t use the public stalls was not specified.


They can’t figure out why???


Who wants to sit around for hours while their shitbox is charging? Yes, it is a shitbox. I don’t care how stylish or modern, how kick-ass and torqued it is, it is a shitbox if it’s a pain in the ass to get on the road.

I want to see the electric bill for the people charging all night for the pleasure of going 18 miles away from the house. (If your car gets 36 miles, you can only go 18 if you want to get back home.)

30 Comments on 1 in 5 electric vehicle owners in California switched back to gas because charging their cars was ridiculous

  1. Always ask how much a set of new batteries cost. Batteries don’t last that long add will have to be replaced. An electric car with a set of dead and bad batteries is worthless.

  2. When those lithium batteries burst into flames in a crash, you’ll cook for four or five hours before the fire goes out.

    Bright side: saves cremation fees for your family.

    BTW, water causes lithium to burn. Just an F-Y-I to you first-responders.

  3. EV won’t be viable until a system is made where you swap battery packs in no more than twice the time it takes to fill a 20 gal tank, and at no more that twice the cost.

  4. I pointlessly argue with progs on YouTube who show off their Teslas going on roadtrips having to map out charging stations and sit around and wait for a charge. Their rebuttal is always the same: I “like” to stop to rest and stretch, this give me time to get food or a drink as I would do anyways. Yea, right, you do that for an hour+ each time?

    When I’m on the road I stop once for gas, maybe twice for a quick bite and minimize downtime and I usually eat that food while driving. The goal is to get where I’m going. I don’t want to worry about mapping out my route around charge stations that may or may not have a spot available for me and sit around doing nothing.

    It wouldn’t even change my mind in the least bit when Jotato has his 500,000 charge stations on every corner.

    I would suggest more people get motorcycles that have a 3 or 5 gallon tank and gets 45-50+ miles to the gallon (and goes 0-60 in 3-5 secs). That’s more better. Plus it’s hard on the body to ride a bike more than 300 miles per day so they can have all their “regular” downtime. But progs are afraid of “death machines.” Heck, a gun randomly goes out and shoots people, what do they think a motorcycle is capable of?

  5. burner, from what I understand, just such a system already exists in Israel. A partnership between Renault and a local company. Multiple stations are around the country, and your car will tell you when you need to swap battery and gives directions to nearest location.

  6. I can fill the tank of my 2013 Ford F-150 in 4 – 5 minutes and it can go 700 highway miles with its 3.5 liter bi-turbo V-6 (36 gallon tank, 20+ mpg). It’s going to be a long time before any energizer-bunny-mobile can beat that.

  7. “Who wants to sit around for hours while their shitbox is charging? Yes, it is a shitbox. I don’t care how stylish or modern, how kick-ass and torqued it is, it is a shitbox if it’s a pain in the ass to get on the road.”

    And let the congregation all say… AMEN!!! 🙏

  8. The longer-term Tesla plan was supposed to be swappable batteries, but that hasn’t happened.
    Meanwhile, in The Peoples’ Republic of Santa Monica a proposed Tesla supercharging center was held up… because it didn’t include housing. As in apartments. You can’t make this crap up.

  9. Virtue signaling makes you a good person.
    Painful virtue signaling makes you an even better person.
    Lethal virtue signaling makes you the best possible person.

    Be a virtuous socialist martyr! Take your EV out to the truck lane of your local Interstate, slow down in front of a gasoline tanker, and hit the brakes really hard! The highway patrol will shut down traffic for hours! Think of all the gas not burned and CO2 not generated! Just do it!!!

  10. Electric vehicles are great for simple around town use, as in commuting to and from work or on a golf course, but fail to meet the overall transportation needs of most people that can’t afford both an electric and a gasoline powered vehicle to use when the electric won’t serve their needs.

    A gasoline vehicle serves all transportation purposes, not just some of them.

  11. “…the pleasure of going 18 miles away from the house. (If your car gets 36 miles, you can only go 18 if you want to get back home.)”

    …what pilots refer to as “Bingo Fuel”.

    …but take it from one who’s worked with all different formulations of storage batteries for 25+ years in motive power applications…THAT is not a constant, EITHER.

    …see, batteries degrade as they charge and discharge, acid dries up, gel turns to cake, plates sulfate, etc..

    The 18 mile number is probably a PERFECT WORLD number. A new battery that’s properly maintained, properly charged, and properly made in the FIRST place.

    …and believe me, “perfect world” doesn’t last very LONG.

    ESPECIALLY if you charge as stated, and don’t deep cycle.

    …see, the best way I ever heard it described is like a battery comes from the factory with a knotted rope, and each time you charge it, no matter how short or long, it’s like you cut a knot off. Once the last knot’s gone, so is the battery. You cut a knot EVERY TIME, no matter how long or short the charge is.

    …short charging, where you charge an hour here and two hours there is called “Opportunity Charging”, and it’s effects vary depending on the battery chemistry, but many types of batteries develop a “memory”, where a short charge actually shortens how long a COMPLETE charge can be, and the more you do it, the worse it gets.

    And don’t forget that these times are affected by heat, cold, and humidity.

    And lithium batteries give NO warning and have a VERY steep drop-off, so if THAT’S the battery of choice, it doesn’t slow down or give a voltage warning, you’re just Dead Right There.

    …and this is JUST the charging and consumption part. Wait till you go to buy a new one and find out it HAS to be a VERY SPECIFIC shape and weight and size because it is CENTRAL to the CG and other handling characteristics of your car, and that usually means only ONE source for YOUR battery, so they can charge what they want.

    …oh, and batteries are susceptible to plate separation too, where one plate weld in the hundreds comes apart because of stress, you know like hitting a big pothole, and this breaks the electrical continuity through the battery so the ENTIRE BATTERY FAILS INSTANTLY AND YOU’RE IMMEDIATELY STOPPED WITH NO LIGHTS WHEREVER IT HAPPENS.

    …and none of this takes into account your variant usage of AC, heat, radio, wipers, defogger, lights, etc., ALL of which affect your runtime.

    …so as much as I work with electric vehicles, I’ll keep my gas car, thank you very much.

    …maybe I’ll ride you to the nearest charging station off the highway, if I happen by you on the side of the road after your battery dies, if I’m not in a hurry, that is…

  12. Bwhahahahaha. Poor fools. But they feel good about saving the planet and rainforests. It takes a100,000 pounds of raw materials to produce the 1000 pound battery. And no telling the amount of energy required to manufacture this battery. Idiots with their electric cars will be surprised how much the replacement battery will be. Not to mention the costs involved to dispose of the battery correctly.

  13. “Never give a sucker an even break.”
    (said every politician ever)

    If you are too ignorant to even ask from whence comes electricity, you have no right to complain.

    Remember the moron who kept hitting himself in the head with a hammer?
    His mom asked him why he did that, and he said: “It feels so good when I stop!”

    Demonrats, Communists, Socialists, Nazis, Progressives, Fascists … but I repeat myself … ALL empowered and followed by morons.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. There is also the weather component–batteries tend to lose power as the temperature drops, so the range on a mild, sunny day will be a lot different than the range when it is 5 degrees.

  15. There is a mall near my house with Tesla charging stations.

    In February (-20 deg C), With the malls Closed, you would still see people sitting like idiots, reading a book, while waiting for their cars to rapid charge.

    I spoke to a couple who told me that the car just slowly goes low at home in cold weather even if they don’t use it. Due to worry, they regularly drove to the station once a week. (it was their backup car)

  16. A friend of mine’s mom has a Prius which stopped in the middle of the road I was surprised to find out you cannot push a dead Prius the wheels are locked .

  17. Lying Econazi Tards strike again. It’s all BS. From Rachael Carson to Al Gore and beyond, by whatever name it’s called, it is 100% BS. Global Warming, Global Cooling, Ozone Hole, Dead Oceans,
    ALL 100% BS!

  18. Racer X,
    I was thinking the same. When temps drop in the winter (N Utah), then so does the EV milage. No thanks, I’ll keep my gas guzzling Toyota V6 2000 4Runner.

  19. What’s worse, battery packs weigh between 600 to 1,200 pounds.

    Want to carry an additional emergency pack in case there are no charging stations around your destination? Add another 600 to 1,200 pounds, round trip, and you are hauling around 1,200 to 2,400 pounds of two battery packs.

    Passenger car combustion engines weigh between 300 to 600 pounds. So, driving an electric car round trip with no passengers is equivalent in weight to one combustion engine car with one driver plus five to 11 passengers, even though there is only one driver in the combustion engine car.

  20. I went to a really popular car enthusiast meetup on Saturday, there were thousands of cars and people who attended. We found ONE Tesla in the bunch. Because Teslas have no soul and enthusiasts hate them, they are not driver’s cars. THEY SUCK.

    Side note, on the way in there were cars parked around the Tesla and about an hour later everyone had moved their car away from it. No one wanted to be even around the damn thing, probably because of fire and association risk.

    Another note, of the thousands of people who were there I found ONE person with a mask (probably the Tesla owner). It was so nice being among freedom loving people.


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