12-Year-old black girl apologizes for concocting race hoax – now it’s the leftwing media’s turn – IOTW Report

12-Year-old black girl apologizes for concocting race hoax – now it’s the leftwing media’s turn

My latest article for American Thinker-

By Big Fur Hat

Earlier last week a 12 year-old student in Virginia accused three unnamed boys of knocking her down at the school playground slide, covering her mouth, and cutting off her dreadlocks while saying things like, “you’re ugly, you shouldn’t have been born, you have ugly nappy hair.” When I covered the story I was confident that this story was a hoax. There were some red flags.

Typically, 12-year-olds don’t use the playground slide any longer, particularly alone. Covering someone’s mouth only seems to muffle people’s cries in the movies. Additionally, the school said there are adults with the students at all times.

The addition of the term “nappy” seemed like a “Smollett” (a forced detail in order to bolster a claim of racism.) I’m not sure 6th grade white boys run around using that term. But, until “nappy” was introduced, this was a case of a few boys bullying a girl, and for the purposes of…(Read Full Post)

31 Comments on 12-Year-old black girl apologizes for concocting race hoax – now it’s the leftwing media’s turn

  1. She’s an unrepentant racist. She’s only sorry she got caught.

    And don’t even *think* the Lying Leftist Media will retract!
    Just this morning, I read a quasi-correction but full-sympathy piece, in which they portrayed her as the victim (!).

  2. There is a rap group named Nappy Roots, so I think “nappy” is a term of endearment. However, if they called her ashy, I could see that setting off some fireworks.

    It sounds like her and some friends provided vocals for this track.


    Just to add. I’m glad her and her family is taking responsibility for their actions.

  3. She’s a 12 year old tool. I won’t give up on her ’til she becomes an adult tool.

    Remember the woman who cried when she thought Obama was gonna pay her mortgage and gas bill? She figured it out.

    We need to convert leftists.

  4. Congratulations on your fine American Thinker piece.
    Hope it boosts your site traffic.

    Question. When was the last actual racist hate crime? Probably in the 1950s. Or the 1940s during FDR.

  5. The NYT started out with “Black Virginia Girl Says White Classmates Cut Her Dreadlocks On Playground”

    When the sordid truth came out, the NYT went with “Virginia Girl Recants Story of Boys Cutting Off Her Dreadlocks”.

    “Recants”…as if she’s Galileo being bent to the will of the Church. How about, ” Virginia Girl Admits to Lying In Racial Hoax”?

  6. Aaaaaaaaaaand…….Leftists continue to rationalize:
    one moron responded to me with, “But the family told the truth.”
    The TRUTH is this girl caused immeasurable damage to the White boys…not to mention any “racial harmony” which may have been at the school.

    Make the Left live up to its own rules: ruin this family financially!

  7. Not at all surprised the MSM quotes in BFH’s article – with their included nasty attack playbook additions – are ALL the same.

    Once again it’s obvious to anyone with two operating synapses the lying Lefty Democrat operative media got the “corporate coup” memo on how to couch this false story in an attempt to foment discord among the masses while damaging Mrs. Pence. Scumbags.

  8. Until black people are outraged with this shit, they will remain second tier Americans. Anyone with integrity, self respect, would side with the falsely accused.

    It’s up to “people of color”, to stop this shit cold. If they won’t, it’s who they are. Opportunists, who prefer to whine and beg for respect, rather than deserve respect.

    It is they who should totally hate the media for pandering, minimizing and diminishing them.

    Sorry, not sorry.

  9. Very clear and concise article BFH.

    The school issued a statement about entering a long season of “healing” but no mention of any consequences. I figure the ENTIRE school will undergo racial sensitivity workshops so as not to single out Miss Allen and her lie. That ironically includes the falsely accused boys. SMH

  10. Ya done good, Bubba Fur.
    I am of the opinion, this could be singularly contrived.
    The addition of Mrs. Pence, makes that assumption harder to arrive at.
    Nappy, that’s black speak, “nappy” or “good hair”.

  11. i am always taken aback by the actions of people who send their kid to Christian schools. (I get plenty of stories from my wife who teaches at one). If the parents are not going to adhere to Christian principles, whats the point? This lie was a whopper that benefited no one and degraded their little girl

  12. “While this didn’t happen, it is important that we raise awareness of the racism in American today.”

    No, it raises the awareness that race activists are psychotic motherfuckers who need to be presumed wrong on everything until they actually prove otherwise, which, of course, they can’t do because all they do is lie now.

  13. The original story was that the girl’s mother was behind pushing the girl’s lie, BUT her grandparents are her legal guardians and they are the ones who exposed the girl’s lie. So it must be her grandparents that are footing the $12,000 yearly tuition at that Christian school. Obviously, their intention has been to see that the girl is morally guided as her mother has obviously not done so. So finding out more about the girl’s mom could explain why the girl did what she did. If the girl is not held accountable, she will not change her way of thinking, especially if she is being influenced by her racist,hateful mom.

  14. BTW, a very well written apology that doesn’t actually ring true may likely have been composed by a lawyer adviser to counter any possibility of a libel suit by the school and the parents of the falsely accused. Genuine Christians are not supposed to lie, but they are also not to go to court in lawsuits. The problem is both sides are not on equal standing, because only one side has been victimized–and it was NOT the girl. To imply that all parties were hurt is not true. The girl cannot be trusted again in that school, or any school.
    “The quote “Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” refers to how complicated life becomes when people start lying. ”

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