12 year-old girl claims she was victim of racist attack at the school Mike Pence’s wife teaches – IOTW Report

12 year-old girl claims she was victim of racist attack at the school Mike Pence’s wife teaches

Keep your eye on this one. If this attack is real I’ll be shocked.

It sounds so… so… Smollett.


Amari Allen says three white boys held her down and cut her “ugly, nappy” dreadlocks in a playground at a Virginia private Christian school Monday.

The 12-year-old “straight A” student and violin player alleges that while telling her she “should not have been born,” one of the boys covered her mouth, another held her head, and the third took scissors and cut her locs.

The attack happened Monday at the Immanuel Christian School in Springfield in Northern, Virginia where tuition is $12,000 a year.

It would be a couple of days before her family would notice and she’d tell what happened. “Everybody’s telling me to keep calm,” her mother Cynthia Allen said. Allen said the school wanted the incident kept off social media.

1. Amari Allen Cried Recounting the Assault & Said She’s Been Bullied For Weeks

2. Allen’s Aunt Zyonn Allen Posted a Recording With a School Official Who Said Adults Were Present

(This implies that adults witnessed the attack. That is not true. The school said there are adults present on the school playground when the students are out there. -BFH)

3. Immanuel Christian School, Which Has Shuttered All Its Social Media Accounts, Said it Doesn’t ‘Tolerate’ Bullying or Abuse

4. Immanuel Christian School Prohibits Any LGTB ‘Behavior’ in its Students or Their Families. Second Lady Karen Pence Works at the School as a Part Time Art Instructor

(Why do they send their daughter to that school? -bfh)


36 Comments on 12 year-old girl claims she was victim of racist attack at the school Mike Pence’s wife teaches

  1. Maybe she should have brought an alarm clock so she could have claimed they were stealing her science project too.

    This story is laughable.

    There are ALWAYS problems when blacks are around. ALWAYS. And what our culture has morphed into has only intensified this victim crap.

  2. “It would be a couple of days before her family would notice and she’d tell what happened.”

    WTH? Couple of days? Sounds like the beastly blanco barber boys just took a little off the sides.

  3. Where is the father in this black family? Who are the three white boys specifically that allegedly were bullying her? Have to prove allegations about named persons or be sued for libel. There would have had to be witnesses among the other students. With security cameras everywhere, make sure the FBI don’t seize and destroy any evidence. or lack of it. If that girl suffered the trauma she and her mom claim, she wouldn’t have kept quiet about it. She would have been crying from it immediately. A complete fraud/hoax in order to sue the school and Karen Pence for abetting a hate crime. OR to get the school shut down because of its moral standards.

  4. What Thirdtwin said… if my girls were missing chunks out of their hair I would notice. If anyone meant to demoralize someone they’d cut like they meant it, she probably took an inch off a few ends and kept the pieces.

    Seriously if 3 people grabbed me and held me down and cut my hair people would know during and after. How did no one hear this happening?

    Name the 3 white boys. Watch, we will find out one was at the orthodontist at the time of the supposed attack….

  5. If this is a real crime being investigated by real police then why does the girl’s family have to put up a GoFraudMe account for lawyers’ fees? It would be a matter of the city prosecuting the criminals. No private lawyers needed, right? Unless the girl is lying and will have to defend against a suit brought by the school against her family.

    This is another “Black Lives Matter” fraud. Do her parents have tee shirts online for purchase yet?

    The girl cut her own hair. Probably after a fight over it with her mom.

  6. “4. Immanuel Christian School Prohibits Any LGTB ‘Behavior’ in its Students or Their Families ”

    Heavy thinks the school is doing random bedroom checks at the kids’ homes? lol.

  7. I was attacked in a 7th grade art class, and had a mustash and beard painted on my face, can I, 60 years after the fact, get any money from the school for that??? I’m short a little this month.

  8. Actually, one of the boys was Brett Kavanaugh, doing a weird time-travel thing.
    The second one was Rudy Giuliani.
    And the third?
    Yep – you guessed it! It was Trump!

    The time-wrinkle was tied to cosmic events caused by Globaloney Warming!
    Adam Schitt and Bill Nye will explain it … soon … real soon, now …

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I just hope they don’t destroy the lives of three young boys before they get to the truth. If what is alleged is true, then a “normal” child would have reported it immediately to her teacher. This is bullshit. I smell
    a visit from Al Sharpton.
    Agree. tRuth.

  10. So one held her head one her mouth and the other cut the hair, but only took a little so that no one could tell? That seems strange because that leaves two fists and two feet to pound on them with. Smell test fail right there.

  11. Let’s see…

    – Connection to Mike Pence

    – Black kid is the claimed victim

    – Unnamed white kids are the accused perps

    – No witnesses. No video/audio evidence

    – All the usual left wing shills jump in to denounce Pence and all white people

    Yep, seen this shit before.

  12. Maybe the “GoFundMe” is the goal…@ “more” link….

    “….A GoFundMe campaign was launched to help Allen.

    “This is a fundraiser to raise money for Amari Allen, a 12-year-old girl in Virginia who was the victim of a hate crime this Monday when three white six grade students held her down, called her derogatory names and forcibly cut her dreadlocks on the playground. I reached out to the family and setup this fundraiser in hopes we can raise money for this poor child so she can get therapy, time off from school or whatever her and her family need….”


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