1238 — Trump reaches the magic number to clinch nomination – IOTW Report

1238 — Trump reaches the magic number to clinch nomination

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump on Thursday reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president, completing an unlikely rise that has upended the political landscape and sets the stage for a bitter fall campaign.

Trump was put over the top in the Associated Press delegate count by a small number of the party’s unbound delegates who told the AP they would support him at the convention. Among them is Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard.

“I think he has touched a part of our electorate that doesn’t like where our country is,” Pollard said. “I have no problem supporting Mr. Trump.”

It takes 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination for president. Trump has reached 1,238. With 303 delegates at stake in five state primaries on June 7, Trump will easily pad his total, avoiding a contested convention in Cleveland in July.  more

16 Comments on 1238 — Trump reaches the magic number to clinch nomination

  1. Trump as the GOP “Presumptive” nominee has evolved into “Likely” nominee.

    So what are ryan, mcCONell and the other liberal establishment republicans waiting for? A floor vote at the convention?

    I hope Trump remembers this when they want to negotiate the progressive GOP House and Senate legislation.

  2. Allow me to be a contrarian and say

    Technically, Trump has about 1,209.
    Yes, it’s GREAT that a bunch of unbound delegates say they’ll vote for him.

    BUT: On June 7, 303 delegates are “up for grabs” in 5 States.
    Don’t let them think their Trump votes aren’t needed or necessary.

    It ain’t over ’til it’s over.

  3. Well, Congratulations to him. I’m one of those that was, and is, concerned about him however I think that if he chooses a strong VP and lists a strong cabinet he may well win the presidency and surprise all us doubters. Frankly having seen that little fascist Justin Trudeau get elected here in Canada and the damage the prick could do in such a short time I’d be more then happy to be dining on crow if Trump wins the big chair and have a successful term(s). Hell, if he then appoints Cruz to the SCOTUS, cleans out Justice, the IRS and the EPA from the liberal, biased staff that infest it now maybe the Clintons and a few others that have committed crimes in the name of self enrichment will be finally made to pay.

    On another note, thanks to BFH and all the moderators on this site that kept it fairly neutral in content while the primaries were going on. Reading some of the comments you can tell it wasn’t an easy job. Well done.

  4. Paul Ryan plans on sabotaging Trump and try to force a brokered convention. I predict Ryan and his RINO cronies will be stomped by the overwhelming Trump support and unmistakably high delegate count..

  5. @scr_north

    Indeed and maybe Trey Gowdy or Chris Christie as the new AG to prosecute Eric Holder (Fast and Furious), Hillary Clinton (Benghazi and the unsecured server), and the then former POTUS for recess appointments, illegal executive actions, the drone strike that executed an American (a jihadist scum, but a citizen nonetheless) without due process, and so on.

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