191 more days until toilet baby returns to where he came from – IOTW Report

191 more days until toilet baby returns to where he came from


17 Comments on 191 more days until toilet baby returns to where he came from

  1. Ground Zero, Washington DC 2048:
    The first Presidential ‘Scrubbing of the Record’ occurred on this, the twentieth anniversary of WWIII.
    The President who enabled the birth of the Caliphate and was found to be directly responsible for the disastrous and short lived arms race in the Middle East and subsequent war, the loss of over a billion lives from famine and disease following the nuclear destruction of several cities worldwide, the sole creator of the Obama Ice age due to particulate cooling of the atmosphere due to airborne dust from the destroyed cities; had his record ‘scrubbed’ from the annals of American Presidential History where every reference of his life and Presidency was destroyed and deleted from public record.
    ‘Obama the Petulant’ was burned in effigy one last time at the site of the DC Bomb blast epicenter. The crowd was boisterous despite the sub zero April weather.
    The current President June Wilson symbolically hit the delete button, eradicating all references to the 44th Presidency from public record.
    The extremely bitter former first family had no comment from the the site of their banishment in the Aleutian Islands

  2. Flush TWICE !
    At least twice then throw a bucket of scalding water
    and a jug of DRAINO down the hopper too.

    Rid the country of every trace

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