October 2016 – Page 3 – IOTW Report

Can you change y…

Monday, 31 October 2016, 2:15 BFH 10

This is a screen grab of me typing in the phrase “can you change y…” Oddly, the letter C autofilled “Can you change.” Bizarre, considering I never typed “can you [Read More]

The Day Hillary Cursed the Cubs

Monday, 31 October 2016, 0:49 BFH 9

The horse-toothed jackass wore her Chicago Panderers hat on April 4th, 1994 and pretended to be a big Cubs fan and sang the 7th inning stretch song with Harry Caray. [Read More]

Is This Plant Fooling Anyone?

Sunday, 30 October 2016, 22:00 BFH 24

You can smell the desperation coming out of the Clinton camp. Or is that the smelly ass of the filthy lefty they planted at a Trump rally? During the “USA” [Read More]

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