21-year-old woman found dead after traveling alone to Cambodia – IOTW Report

21-year-old woman found dead after traveling alone to Cambodia

A 21-year-old British backpacker traveling alone “for the first time” has been found dead.

How many times does this need to happen before the media and the culture stops encouraging young women to travel to dangerous countries alone?

The world is not a progressive utopia. Not all cultures are equal. Some countries are more dangerous than others.

41 Comments on 21-year-old woman found dead after traveling alone to Cambodia

  1. Cambodia?
    What could go wrong?

    Maybe she had a stroke … or a heart attack … or something …
    (stupidity isn’t usually fatal – at least if you stay in Britain)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I backpacked solo in Europe for a summer, but that was many years ago. I wouldn’t do it now for any amount of money.

    Cambodia? Pakistan? Morocco? Complete insanity.

  3. “A 21-year-old British backpacker traveling alone “for the first time” has been found dead.”

    For the last time too.

    I wonder if anyone will learn a lesson from this.

  4. I saw a video earlier this week of tribesmen murdering and then beheading a lone white woman. Why would anyone with any intelligence hike alone in these known shitholes? And no, I’m not providing a link, BFH would ban me for life.

    And in answer to Perry’s question, it would be close to the year Carter was elected.

  5. In all fairness, a 21-year-old woman wandering alone through the streets of some of our American cities is also pretty unsafe.

    It isn’t the trees, dirt, geography that create cultures. And we have imported them…

  6. How many times does this need to happen before the media and the culture stops encouraging young women to travel to dangerous countries alone?

    Like… that’s a bad thing? I mean, sure, it would be better if we took them “hiking”, in the woods, and came back alone. Save carbon (Hey! Saint Greta! How you been?). More efficient (numerically). Lot’s of “betters”. But “this” is “better”, doesn’t mean “that” is “bad”.

  7. I followed the travel blog of a former co worker’s 22 year old daughter. She travelled alone to Mexico and South America. She stayed in hostels, met up with lone fellow travel blogging female 20 somethings for Instagram likes, and had hook ups with the local boys in tents and wrote about it. Her mom would post schizophrenic comments, “please be safe!” and “how lucky you are, beautiful scenery!” Liberal parents give millennial kids weird self esteem and ideas. Kids can travel alone to third world countries and see beauty all around them there but hate America here.

    She quit her travel blog with no explanation. I assume something went wrong that she really didn’t want to tell everyone.

  8. This is a result of the political correctness that has crept its way into British schools and our schools and culture.

    All cultures are wonderful and equal and people in other countries just need to know we love them and are kind and tolerant.


  9. You can self identify as someone not effected by the law gravity. Works fine until you step off the roof of a 20 story building, and discover 1 mSec. later – gravity doesn’t care what you think is true.

    But still, condolences to her family. Young people do stupid things, but in these times the consequences have a higher probability of being more severe than they generally were when I was 21 y.o. When a mistake usually only caused inconvenience or embarrassment, not your life.

  10. It helps clean up the gene pool. The reality is that there are only a few relatively isolated places an unarmed woman alone can be reasonably well assured of her physical safety.

    These places don’t seem few, small or isolated to a person who has never gotten out of the well regulated comfort of middle and upper class western environs. Even a trip into the wrong part of pretty much any large city in the US can be very dangerous, most particularly if your race makes you stand out in the crowd.

    Of course, do as you please, and best of luck to you.

  11. WDS NOVEMBER 2, 2019 AT 1:26 PM

    I beg to differ. Many moons ago I posted a link showing those wonderful practitioners of the “religion of peace” instructing a young boy on the finer techniques of beheading another infidel that they had tied down for that purpose. Also included another clip with boy of no more than four or five years of age shooting another infidel in the head a number of times with a small caliber pistol.

    I did preface the link and did not intend the preface to use as a tease to go to it, because it was rather nasty in many ways. And here you are reading a comment from me still.


    Was not suggesting it as a new game show or something to be tried at home by others.

    Gosh even an idiot like me can follow instructions on tweaking the comments…

  12. British girl named Diana backpacks through New Guinea. While hiking a mountain trail, she encounters a group of headhunting tribesman, all with bones in their noses, wearing loin-cloths, and carrying spears and machetes.

    Diana: Why hello chaps. I was hoping to find you fellows.

    Headhunters: grunt and wave their spears at her.

    Diana: Oh, be good chaps now, and put down your spears, please. I’m not going to hurt you. I want only to interview you for my master’s thesis which is on the sexual deviances and wife- beating practices of stone-age tribesmen.

    Headhunters: grunt and wave their machetes at her.

    Diana: Now chaps…you must know that I have nothing but the best of intensions toward you. Nowadays, we are all one big global family. I think of you as my global brothers. If perchance you ever come to England, please look me up….I’ll be more than happy to show you the sights.

    Headhunter leader: Where cargo? Where presents?

    Diana (starting to worry). Oh, yes, presents, of course…I have a cell phone and this I-pad. You’ll love them…you can read books on them, send messages…they are for you…here take them.

    Headhunter leader: examines the gifts and spits on the ground. Then, he waves his tribesmen forward.

    Diana: Please stop, or I shall call a policeman for assistance.

    Two minutes later, Diana lies dead. She’s been beheaded and, for good measure, pierced with a dozen spears. The headhunters take her head, as well as her “gifts”. Later, they toss the I-pad and cell phone into a river.

  13. When will this stop? Whenever we get around to taking back control of our Leftist skools and start teaching children that there are still places in the world where bad people will rape, kill and behead you as a matter of course — as a part of their own cultural traditions. Until then. . .

    When POTUS Trump gets reelected, we’ll have at least four more years to teach the rest of the world to not touch an American, else painfully die regretting it; like Romans of old.

    When the only culture you know is full of nice people who would give you the shirt off their backs and their last buck; people who almost always do what is fair and right and decent, it’s nearly impossible to imagine people being any other way unless someone tells you it just isn’t so.

  14. Raised in a Western country, protected by Western
    law and spoiled to the point they believe that no
    harm can come to them, they do the 3rd world hot
    stove test just one too many times.

  15. @AbigailAdams November 2, 2019 at 6:53 pm

    > When the only culture you know is full of nice people who would give you the shirt off their backs and their last buck

    Ah, yes! The wonders of socialism. It’s good that they stay here. Safe among us. Instead of “experiencing” the world.

  16. @Anonymous — Are you drain bamaged or something. Since when is GoFundMe a socialist organization? People are so well off here that they will give charitably to a complete stranger who is suffering.

  17. Kira Salak was young when she the first woman to traverse Papua New Guinea and the first person to kayak solo 600 miles to Timbuktu – attempting to retrace the route of explorer Mungo Park’s last expedition when he was murdered in 1806 by local tribesmen. She has been included in the Library of Congress list of “Women Who Dare”.

    After reading two of Kira’s books: “Four Corners: A Journey into the Heart of Papua New Guinea” & “The Cruelest Journey – 600 miles to Timbutu”.

    I recall thinking – how many other young women set out on similar type adventures traveling through potentially dangerous places alone who never made it home alive, to write books to tale their tales, as Kira was able to do? And in both books she wrote of encounters with people who intended to do her harm with narrow escapes or situations defused with humor and wit, (in Africa prey/food panics and runs, she didn’t except when running was the only choice left), as well as good people who assisted her.

    Maybe Kira had divine protection? A guardian angel. For a greater purpose later on. Opinion about that kind of depends on your judgement about her and her husband’s integration and translation of the Gospels & Revelation, and a couple of bits from the OT.

    http://www.kirasalak.com/index.html .

  18. I did some Internet sleuthing and discovered that the MIA travel blogger was in Toronto learning UX Design in 2018. After that the trail goes cold. So, she survived her third world wanderlust.

  19. @Tim Buktu – i like travel narrative books of this type, the off the beaten path type. Not the; go to this major city, stay at this or that 5 star hotel, don’t dare leave the hotel grounds, type. I recall enjoying both books, but my bias toward this genre probably makes me overlook some flaws.

    I read the 2nd book, Cruelest Journey, first. Then soon afterwards the longer earlier published book, Four Corners. Both were hardback editions, read before paperback versions were published. I probably read them about fifteen years ago.

    ( oddly I didn’t get round to reading Mungo Park’s book until last summer, also an intriguing book. It helped me understand reports I’d read in nutrition books, over the past three years, about an adventurer in the 1930s who reported some African tribes that lived almost entirely by drinking milk. Yet in MP’s book are repeated stories of being offered safe shelter in villages for a night, given a hut to sleep in and a bowl of milk for dinner. Or not being allowed inside the village safety fence, but still being offered a bowl of milk for dinner, if they more than enough milk for the themselves. Otherwise, no shelter, no milk. MP also details how extensive the slave trade was between African tribes. The foundation of their economy. The traditional way of life. If a slave wasn’t likely to run, they’d be sold to a nearby village. But if a likely runner, they’d be sold to slave traders, who would sell them to a village in a far away country. Indeed he was held a slave for a time himself, by Muslim raiders from N. Africa)

    Details of both books have faded or intermixed in my memory. But if I’m recalling it correctly. It was her background as a sprinter or distance runner that allowed her to out distance some bad characters in PNG, and get across the border to safety, and not end up a news mystery story wondering where her bones might be found.

    So yeah, if you also like travel narrative books, you’ll probably enjoy reading the books, available now in lower priced pb editions.

  20. @Blink

    Back in the 5th or 6th grade we covered African exploration and the story of Mungo Park was in the textbook.

    I kept wondering: what a weird name. That and the Niger River (I think it was the Niger) exploration by the first Englishman/Scotsman were the things I remembered.


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