7 Times American Elites Said Immigrants Are Better Than Their Own People – IOTW Report

7 Times American Elites Said Immigrants Are Better Than Their Own People


Americans voted for Donald Trump in November in large part because they’re afraid elite Americans don’t care about them.

Hillary Clinton stoked this fear when she said some of Trump’s supporters are “irredeemable” or “deplorable,” and when she did not campaign in boring but critical states which subsequently flipped from blue to red. Sadly, there are other elites who seem to rank Americans below foreigners or immigrants. 

Here’s a listicle of seven:

Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large of the D.C.-based Weekly Standard magazine, used an event in February to declare that population replacement would be the best antidote to ordinary America:

[I hope] this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse. You can make a case that America has been great because every — I think John Adams said this — basically if you are in free society, a capitalist society, after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled — whatever. Then, luckily, you have these waves of people coming in from Italy, Ireland, Russia, and now Mexico, who really want to work hard and really want to succeed and really want their kids to live better lives than them and aren’t sort of clipping coupons or hoping that they can hang on and meanwhile grew up as spoiled kids and so forth. In that respect, I don’t know how this moment is that different from the early 20th century.

Given his contempt for ordinary Americans, Kristol shows little interest in either helping Americans or persuading them to vote for the political candidates that he prefers.   MORE


11 Comments on 7 Times American Elites Said Immigrants Are Better Than Their Own People

  1. I’m wondering why anybody would take that pop corn fart Kristol seriously? Name one time he’s been right about anything. And yet he keeps getting invited back on the talk shows. I don’t get it.

  2. Bill Krystol – son of Irving Kristol, the Trotskyite communist that founded Neoconservatism? That guy?

    The rotten apple didn’t fall too far from the diseased tree, did it?

    I’d say he is a worthless piece of shit subversive, but that is unfair to shit.

  3. Kristol criticizing “third generation” idle entitled trust fund spoiled brats who “clip coupons” (live off bond dividends) is hilarious. He’s talking about himself.

    But almost all these pampered trust fund self-proclaimed Elites are talking about Black Americans. “Lazy, unskilled, entitled” are Elite dog whistles for Black folk.

    If these Elites are going to be bigoted racists, demanding that Blacks be deported back to Africa (“but who’d take them?” sniffs Biff the IV to Muffy), then they should just come out and put on their KKK hoods.

    They hate white Americans too, viscerally and coldly, and they’ll engineer White Genocide with their replacement policies. Agenda 21.
    But in the meantime, they don’t really trust Mexicans inside the house. And they really don’t want to be served by Mexicans when choosing a new iPhone. Or have some Mexican touching their plate at The Club.

  4. You can’t fix arrogance or stupid.

    Immigration is a good thing when it is managed properly i.e. allow for the best and brightest to join America and thrive while contributing to her future. It puts on the winning side of the brain drain.

    Conversely, it is a no-brainer that the unmanaged importing of poverty is a lose-lose for America. And, with this large scale addition of the poor and uneducated comes (as is obvious in the statistics) crime, dependence on government handouts and strain on our local and federal law enforcement organizations.

    Add to this the unvetted import of an ideology that wants us dead, and you have a complete recipe for disaster. Is this disaster and the downfall of America what these contemptuous, egotistically-distorted assholes want???

    How well did we assimilate the Native Americans? And yet, we expect we can successfully assimilate the poorest and most dysfunctional from all reaches of the planet??

    Insanity is rampant on the left. They are the enemy of all that is good in America and left to their own devices will make this once-great land unrecognizable and in ruins.

  5. To compare the immigrants of the past with today’s entitlement seeking, anti-American immigrants that number in the millions is intellectually vacant. Those bastards need a good beating.

  6. @Fritz the Cat July 10, 2017 at 12:32 pm

    Point 1)
    “You can’t fix arrogance or stupid.”

    Point 2)
    “mmigration is a good thing when it is managed properly i.e. allow for the best and brightest to join America and thrive while contributing to her future. It puts on the winning side of the brain drain.”

    Sigh. See Point 1.

  7. Well, the benefit to the country of immigrants kind of depends upon why the immigrants came here? A hundred years ago they mostly came for freedom and an opportunity at better life. Today to often they mostly come for the freebies, so they can life the lay about life. At taxpayers expense. The first group enriches the country, the second group degrades it and makes it poorer and less free.

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