A Horse Named “Justice” Sues Former Owner – IOTW Report

A Horse Named “Justice” Sues Former Owner

The Oregonian-

The Animal Legal Defense Fund in Portland has filed suit against former owner Gwendolyn Vercher, 51, of Cornelius on behalf of the horse.

Justice, an 8-year-old American Quarter Horse, is seeking damages for negligence that left him 300 pounds underweight and afflicted with lice, a skin infection and damaged genitals from severe frostbite, according to the lawsuit filed Tuesday in Washington County Circuit Court. He will require special medical care for the rest of his life, the suit said. More

4 Comments on A Horse Named “Justice” Sues Former Owner

  1. She could have humanely put the horse down and she would have had no problem.

    The owner was convicted of 1st degree animal neglect, 3 years probation, cannot own an animal for 5 years and paid $3700 restitution.

    Enough of the gouging for dollars.
    If my dog hears of this I’ll be sued for lack of attention. She’s well fed, watered, good health, but she wants to be petted all the time. She follows me everywhere, I know she thinks I should pet her every waking minute. I don’t, I better get an attorney.

  2. It’s a waste of court time and tax payer dollars. Find the horse a place, then fine the owner. Done.
    If she couldn’t afford to keep the horse in the first place, how is suing her going to get anything done? You cannot legislate change of ‘feelings’, idiots! And where would the money go anyway? To the Animal Legal Defense Fund? Pfft. Fuck you. Give the horse to a nice farmer and quit wasting valuable time.

    *Gavel slamming sound* get the hell out of my court room.

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