A Lasting Legacy – IOTW Report

A Lasting Legacy

King Putt took four and a half hours out of his busy schedule of ginning up race hatred, surrendering abroad and destroying the nation in general this Memorial Day Weekend to play his 291st round of golf since assuming office.


Will he have lifetime access the course at Camp David after he’s out of office? That would explain why they plan on staying in D.C. after he’s done ruining us all.


16 Comments on A Lasting Legacy

  1. I notice the grass is not trimmed neatly around the head stones, and is patchy. Could it be a cut back in “unnecessary labor” to save money?

    IOTW is going bonkers on me. freezing, jumping, can’t t

  2. I was listening to the ceremony this morning at Arlington and it was a lovely salute to our fallen heroes, until that man starting talking. He’s the turd in every punch bowl. He’s the rain cloud on every sunny day. He’s the flat tire on every joy ride. Let this be a lesson for us and future generations, all.

  3. Well, it’s official I’m now rooting for Trump with a strong VP and strong cabinet to win this election. A big part of the reason is that this outcome in the US election may just save Canada from young Mr. Trudeau and his Liberal Party progressive socialists. GO TRUMP!

  4. to make myself feel better, i simply juxtapose an image of this jug-eared pussy against the image of our brave troops, and it makes me smile

    he is a clueless, delusional narcissist

  5. If he’s played 291 rounds of golf, you figure he must’ve gone skeetshooting at least that one pretend time for the fraudulent photo op.

  6. No Veteran’s cemetery should ever have to be sullied by this treasonous commie rat’s presence. Shameful. Wanna see an entire cemetery that looks like a golf green? Treat yourself to the American Cemetery in Florence, Italy. Last we were there the place looked ready for a Marine Corp DI’s white glove inspection. Sacred, somber, beautiful.

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