Another Elitist Tells Americans To But an Electric Car to Combat High Gas Prices – Does Her Math Add Up? – IOTW Report

Another Elitist Tells Americans To But an Electric Car to Combat High Gas Prices – Does Her Math Add Up?

Suppose I am a $30,000 a car kind of guy, but to save money on gas I struggle and spend the extra 20k.

Granholm says when you fill up your 15-gallon tank it costs on average 62 dollars. Charging your EV costs 10 dollars. Let’s call it a 50 dollar saving.

Well, not many EVs go 300 miles on one charge. If your gas vehicle gets 25 MPG, you can go 475 miles, and it takes 2 1/2 minutes to fill. So, you’re going 175 miles further without having to “recharge.” But let’s not even factor this in; no need to prorate the costs in our favor. Let’s do apples to apples.

If you filled your car once a week it will cost you 60 bucks a week. If you charge your car once a week, it costs you 10 bucks a week.

Fifty bucks a week, savings x 52 = 2600 bucks.

At the 7.5 year point you would break about even with EV versus gas vehicles in terms of energy costs and the $20,000 extra you spent. (This is assuming gas prices and electricity prices stay relatively the same.)

And what is it worth to not have the “pleasure” of waiting around 20 minutes to charge your car so you can resume your trip?

Coincidentally, the batteries in EV cars are usually covered for 8 years, right around the EV versus gas break-even point.

Out of warranty, your EV batteries can cost up to $20,000.

I’m just not seeing it yet. I wish it did make sense, but it doesn’t, not for the average American.

24 Comments on Another Elitist Tells Americans To But an Electric Car to Combat High Gas Prices – Does Her Math Add Up?

  1. Of course not. Shit! somebody just fired a rifle!

    Anyway… I remember a cunt who made a 70 thousand dollar Beetle. An airhead Beetle. And stuffed batteries into it. Ok. That’s fucking gay.

    I asked him what his return was and did the math for him… you know, just the tip.

    He said I was a retard. I did the math again. All conservative and shit, and still nearly a hundred year break even at his point of… endeavor?… retardation?

  2. If I get one of those new fangled BIG trucks, I could power my home with it when the grid goes down from:

    (a) Global thermonuclear war
    (b) Carrington-scale solar storm
    (c) EMP’s over the US from China, NK or Russia.
    (d) Small SMOD (or a big one on other side of planet)
    (e) 1000′ tsunami from the Canary’s
    (f) Electrical grid cyber hacked to pieces
    (g) Hillary Clinton gets elected
    (h) The Zombie Apocolypse

  3. Ask these clowns why batteries need replacing?
    Not sure of what chemicals they use, lithium ion, NiMh?
    Anyway, my laptop went from lasting 8 hours to perhaps 5 minutes on a full charge.

    They lose their effectiveness, are temperature intemperate and BTW, a total bitch to replace.

  4. The amount of energy lost recharging electric cars is staggering. It’s very inefficient. Electric vehicles pollute more than gas or even diesel vehicles when production, transportation, and fueling are factored in. The whole green energy mantra is a lie.

  5. Granholm needs the 220v recharging plug stuffed up her hoohah.

    These STUPID and EVIL politicians need be hoist on their own petard.
    No more limos. No free money. Make them dig potatoes out of frozen soil with their hands to survive!

  6. The whole “green” energy scam is a scam conceived by the defeated communists (Inter-National Socialists) of Europe.
    The point is to destabilize the West in general and America specifically.
    Ultimately the Granholms of the world would ride while the rest of us walk.
    Our economy will be broken and the pieces auctioned to China, Russia, and the EU while we’re overrun with illegal-alien invading rat-people from the bilges of the third world.
    Electric cars are an imbecility until the advent of Nuclear Powered Batteries with lives in decades (like we use in outer space – only bigger) and no hysteresis.
    And, by the by, how much petroleum products were used in the production of the silly EV?
    And the idea of the gov’t using coercion to push ANY transportation agenda, which is clearly the choice of each individual citizen, is antithetical to our Constitution.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. There’s a video of a guy that carries a small gas generator in his electric car for when it dies on side of the road and needs a charge to make it to his destination.

  8. Not to mention the INCONVENIENT FACT that the infrastructure to support electric vehicles…aka Charging Stations….doesn’t exist. Except outside of some mostly densely packed Urban locations. The rest of the United States does not have enough public accessible charging stations. AND those people have longer daily driving distance requirements anyway.

    So even IF you gave everyone an electric car, there would be great difficulty, if not impossibility, in being able to use the damned things.

    Until there is a solid and maintained infrastructure….the idea of electric cars is a luxury and pipe dream to think that you can suddenly replace billions of autos with electric.

    Plus…think about where the electricity mostly comes from and the demand on existing power grids. DOH!!!!

  9. The big problem with all these people is they are economic illiterates. No one does TCO (total cost of Ownership), electric cars have been a luxury ownership for over 100 years. Mostly the elite want us to be limited in our traveling, to only go when and where they want us to. Unless batteries become 10 times better than they are today they will never be viable.
    besides we have 1000’s of years of oil available.

  10. Different Tim – There’s a video of a guy that carries a small gas generator in his electric car for when it dies on side of the road and needs a charge to make it to his destination.

    Twenty years from now someone will get a bright idea and say: “Hey! Maybe somebody could put a gasoline motor IN the car and run it that way!!”

  11. Here’s a nuther hard truth about electric Vs gasoline:
    A 1200lb EV battery is equivalent in weight to about 200 gallons of gasoline. (6lbs/gal)
    What can 200 gallons of fuel do?
    In a car that gets 35mpg it will take you 7,000mi.
    30mpg can go 6,000mi
    20mpg can go 4,000mi
    10mpg can go 2,000mi
    Something that gets an absurd 2mpg can go 400mi!
    Not only that, but the fuel load gets lighter as it’s consumes, which is a huge advantage to airplanes!
    If the battery dies in an electric airplane, you basically have a large kinetic bomb!

  12. Every Green idea is based on unicorn fantasies and is actually worse for the environment. To combat CO2 we will instead be strip mining and refining metals to make the magnets and batteries, with a trail of toxic materials from cradle to grave.

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