AP Claims Sidney Powell Being Considered To Head Special Counsel Investigating Election Fraud – IOTW Report

AP Claims Sidney Powell Being Considered To Head Special Counsel Investigating Election Fraud


President Donald Trump floated naming lawyer Sidney Powell, who was booted from his campaign’s legal team after pushing unfounded conspiracy theories, as a special counsel investigating allegations of voter fraud as he grasps for straws to stay in power.

During a Friday meeting at the White House, Trump went as far as discussing getting Powell security clearance, according to two people familiar with the meeting, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private conversation. More

18 Comments on AP Claims Sidney Powell Being Considered To Head Special Counsel Investigating Election Fraud

  1. A bit late in the year to do that, maybe sometime next year, after the holidays are in the past and everyone and everything is available again, would be more effective and appropriate.

  2. Fuck this special counsel crap. When you have parties to this fraud refusing to obey court orders, what in the world do you think the outcome of more investigations will be? When the DOJ refuses to release documents the president has ordered released, what…WTF? When the FBI sits on overwhelming proof the Impeachment charges were a joke, you really think another investigation is going to do an iota of good?

    Please. Make it a real carnival and appoint Trey “the mouth” Gowdy. /s

    Invoke the Insurrection Act, arrest these scum. Put the squeeze on the poll workers that participated in the ballot fraud scheme, they’re fold like wet kleenex.

  3. Dr. Tar — an AP article???

    The story, without the AP spin is available at patriotic sites, too.

    My impression was it was AP’s story originally. The link to Yahoo! News posting AP is to avoid derivative / 2nd hand sources as much as possible. – Dr. Tar

  4. …right out of the chute: Powell was NEVER “booted” from Trump’s campaign legal team. She was never officially a part of it to begin with, which was made clear from the onset.

    And she didn’t push conspiracy theories.

    I hate the AP.

  5. That is a good start.

    Job number two is to purge the flag officers that Obama installed in the military in preparation for this coup. Bring back retired patriots that Obama liquidated. We are going to need the Marines.

  6. “increasingly desperate”

    Yes, the clock is running and he has to get through exceedingly thick skulls like the writers of this article.
    It doesn’t do anything to clarify the issues when jerks like this are vomiting arbage dis-info like this.

  7. AP can start by looking at 234 pages in Exhibit 3 under Michigan, Cases at Defending the Republic dot org. Thats REPuBLIC not democracy. Then they can wade through the other numerous exhibits that you can scroll through in a list of titles.

  8. stirrin — Did you notice that Smartmatic’s lawyers are in Chicago? Offices probably next to whatever iteration is ACORN today, and across the hall from ActBlue (which has hillary and barry on speed dial).

  9. AA – didn’t notice it but it doesn’t surprise me. The swamp is the most incestuous pool of inbred, interconnected, you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours, rehashed, regurgitated and re-used bodies imaginable. They are lower level humans entrusted with the most powerful government in the world.

    The population has been uninformed, unengaged and comfortably numb for too long!


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