Arrest ORDER – Kamala Harris Reacts! – IOTW Report

Arrest ORDER – Kamala Harris Reacts!


VP Kamala Harris accuses Texas Gov. Greg Abbott of ‘flame throwing’ for defying Biden and ordering arrest of illegal migrants: Suggests the ‘so-called leader should focus on solution not attacks’

  • The vice president sat down for a wide-ranging interview with Face The Nation
  • She was asked about Texas Governor Abbott’s recent executive order allowing his state law enforcement to arrest migrants and return them to the border
  • Harris said that she and Joe Biden inherited a ‘badly broken’ immigration system from Donald Trump’s White House
  • Meanwhile the most recently available data shows a record number of migrants encountered by law enforcement at the southwestern border in May
  • Harris did not make a public statement reacting to the data at the time
  • The vice president was tasked with solving the root causes of illegal immigration 
  • She’s been criticized by Republican lawmakers and Texas leaders for not doing enough in that role to stop the immediate effects of the border surge 


8 Comments on Arrest ORDER – Kamala Harris Reacts!

  1. “She’s been criticized by Republican lawmakers and Texas leaders for not doing ̶e̶n̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶ anything in that role to stop the immediate effects of the border surge”

  2. “Harris said that she and Joe Biden inherited a ‘badly broken’ immigration system from Donald Trump’s White House.”
    The system is broken because democrats regularly ignore laws they don’t like to bolster their votes-Trump would have had a wall and an ironclad policy, this term.
    “The vice president was tasked with solving the root causes of illegal immigration”
    Guarantee they won’t be getting an ‘E’ ticket ride through life on the backs of the US taxpayer anymore.
    That should take care of most of them.

  3. @ DrRiff JULY 11, 2022 AT 12:22 PM

    While I applaud what Abbot is doing, he’s only going after the petty criminals. The arch criminal leaders of this fiasco are in Washington DC. Until we take care of the traitors in our midst, the border will continue to be a problem.

  4. It sure doesn’t look like American leadership is going to do anything but steal, waste or burn worker peasant hard earned money, it’s time folks, it’s past time!!


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