As Soon as Rosie O’Donut’s Daughter Became an Adult She Left To Go Live With Her Birth Mother – IOTW Report

As Soon as Rosie O’Donut’s Daughter Became an Adult She Left To Go Live With Her Birth Mother

Rosie O'Donnell's missing daughter Chelsea leaves home to live with BIRTH MUM

DM– Chelsea, now 18, reportedly ‘made a decision’ to leave her adopted mother Rosie’s home in the New York village of Nyack to live with her biological mother, Deanna Micoley, 38, in Wisconsin. Against Rosie’s wishes, she was picked up by Deanna – who handed over her then-infant daughter to the TV comedian in 1997 – and driven to her Wisconsin, sources said on Wednesday. And this time, the troubled teenager – one of five siblings – could be gone from Rosie’s house permanently. ‘This was her choice,’ a representative for Rosie, 53, said. The teenager’s move comes just eight days after she was found in the home of Steven Sheerer, 25, – a known criminal who was previously arrested for endangering a child – on August 18.


13 Comments on As Soon as Rosie O’Donut’s Daughter Became an Adult She Left To Go Live With Her Birth Mother

  1. I cannot imagine her home life, poor girl.
    Continuously changing the carpet would be enough to destabilize even the most resilient of children.
    Talk about a dysfunctional family.
    Family Services should do a little investigating.

  2. Actually, I must give this kid the benefit of the doubt at this point. It was not her fault that she was sentenced to live in hell for 18 years with this filthy whore Rosie. Imagine what that must have been like…

    Then, as she got older and matured a bit, despite the indoctrination and intimidation and the psychological warfare waged against the kid she figured it out and got it right anyway. She knew she had to run like a hostage in an open window.

    Lets see if she comes out later and exposes Rosie Odonkey as an evil, abusive whore that maybe molested her or tried to make her do lesbian porn or something.

    I give her credit for taking control of her life now. Its what we expect. Its the reason why I never buy into that felonious yarn about how serial killers and rapists were not given enough hugs as kids so we should go easy on them. I pray for this kid and truly hope she becomes a normal woman with a happy life. She deserves a shot at it.

  3. She is smart enough to know where she was is hell, there’s that, eh?
    Most children raised in a Prog household never leave so the Rosie habitant must be like a lions den of iniquity.

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