Update: Atlanta Falcons Won Popular Vote – IOTW Report

Update: Atlanta Falcons Won Popular Vote


Map- Moxie Man

Also, the Russians hacked into the Falcons’ emails and published their plays on Wikileaks.

People on the internet are having fun with mocking the left, and it all started with a tweet by Hillary’s press secretary. (With employees like this, no wonder she lost.)

ht/ wisco dave


h/t Dave

25 Comments on Update: Atlanta Falcons Won Popular Vote

  1. So with the white racists winning the ElectionSurrogateBowl, does that make the black Patriot players automatic Uncle Toms? I am just assuming there are some black players on the team.

  2. Tom Brady was guilty of having a performance-enhancing attitude. His back was against the wall, so he just fought back like a guy who refuses to lose. That little guy that lives in Tom’s head who says, “Those bastards refused to draft you before the SIXTH round! They ALL passed on you, except the Patriots. Make ’em SUFFER, Tom! Hahahahahaha!”

    That’s GOT to violate some fu*king NFL mediocrity rule.

  3. While Falcons players slept through the third quarter with visions of Super Bowl Bling and post-game parties dancing in their heads, Brady and Belichick planned the Ardennes Offensive II for the 4th Quarter!! Then, overtime was like Bambi versus Godzilla.

  4. Before the game started my buddy predicted, if New England is behind:
    – One of the Falcons’ key players will be injured nowhere near the play
    – – The Falcons tackle was injured had to leave the game.
    – The refs will call a penalty at a crucial moment
    – – The holding penalty pushed the Falcons out of field goal range.
    It’s all a conspiracy, I tell ya.

  5. I listened to the last 5 minutes of Rush on Friday and he said both teams where pretty much even. The deal breaker was the Brady lagacy and the forces it could conjure.

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