Australian City Adding ‘Female Traffic Lights’ to Combat ‘Unconscious Bias’ – IOTW Report

Australian City Adding ‘Female Traffic Lights’ to Combat ‘Unconscious Bias’

I happen to agree with the Australian city. There should be more of an effort to combat unconscious bias in symbolism created by the government. If women feel the icons used by the state are biased in favor of men something should be done.

I propose that these offended women be put into reeducation camps because something is very, very wrong with them if they see the above symbol and automatically think that it’s a man.

Why are these women so quick to assume that this is depicting any specific gender?

This is narrow minded, bigoted, and wrong.

Get with it ladies, this is 2017.

Heat Street has the rest.

ht/ fdr in hell

27 Comments on Australian City Adding ‘Female Traffic Lights’ to Combat ‘Unconscious Bias’

  1. These icons need to represent the diversity we have in this country. I’m just not sure if African Americans would ever have the opportunity to cross the street if the icon were black.

  2. What a disgrace and boondoggle.

    Reminds me of the highway signs along CA freeways that were supposed to be such an assist to drivers and cost 100s of millions of wasted dollars. The signs are used to remind us to “buckle up”, be aware of the “drought”, not use our cell phones, and to watch for highway workers. Now they will need to be modified to ensure gender-friendliness and to love our LGBTXYfrickingZ neighbors, of which there are many.

    It’s all in the plan for global pussification.

  3. Well, if the feminists feel that the signs need to be changed then by all means let’s change them. The money for which will be withdrawn from various government supported women’s projects such as women’s health, breast cancer research, education programs for women and the like. I’m sure the money taken from these programs would be much better spent on designing some sort of unisex little person to go on traffic pedestrian crosswalk signals then installing them all, oh and changing any documentation where the original little guy was used. Yep, money well spent.

  4. The Mayor or Chairman (Chairwymyn?) of the City Council has a relative in the Sign-Making business.

    Guaranteed. Nobody – NO-fuckin-BODY – is that fuckin stupid.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Yesterday there was an article (with photo) about Camille Paglia. The silhouette of Ms. Paglia looked just like the “walk” symbol guy… so can’t we just assume the sign represents a lesbian woman?

  6. What about sluts? Sluts aren’t being represented enough either.

    Probably have to put some kind of slutty clothing on it so you can tell it’s a slut.

    Ironic icon – clothed is sluttier.

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