Australian researchers tout new ‘wonder drug’ as potential cure for coronavirus patients – IOTW Report

Australian researchers tout new ‘wonder drug’ as potential cure for coronavirus patients

OANN – Doctors could soon have a new tool in their arsenal for the fight against the coronavirus. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on the medicine that researchers in Australia say could cure the virus in just 48-hours.

14 Comments on Australian researchers tout new ‘wonder drug’ as potential cure for coronavirus patients

  1. Damn! I have a giant bottle of Ivermectin I bought from the vet last year for our herd if needed. It wasn’t expensive either which is a guarantee Dr. Fauxci will give it a thumbs down.

  2. From the video: Ivermectin has very few side effects, is FDA approved, is well established having been around for several decades, is on the WHO list of essential medicines, is very cheap since it is a “generic” drug now and is considered to be one of the safest and most effective drugs in the world. It is used to prevent and treat parasites in the human body.

    Gee ….. that sounds very familiar …. an awful lot like that other very dangerous drug that was safe and effective before President Trump spoke favorably about it. What was that drug called again? It’s on the tip of my tongue …….. yeah yeah, hydroxycholoroquine (which can also be classified as an antiparasitical drug since malaria is caused by parasites transferred through mosquito bites).

    If president Trump dares to mention it, I’m sure Fauci and his merry band of fellow pharmaceutical investors will see that it too is immediately banned for treating the Chinese virus. Can’t have people recovering and keeping the death toll lower with a cheap drug and allowing the economy to come back before the election.

    This might seem funny if it wasn’t so downright evil.

    If anyone remembers Morgellons disease from a few years ago, many sufferers improved by taking Ivermectin (often ordered from pet stores because doctors wouldn’t prescribe them anything because they considered it to be “delusional parasitosis”). In the last few years it has been confirmed that Morgellons is caused by a bacterial infection that is associated with Lyme Disease, which is probably why ivermectin helped some people.

  3. I heard about the Australians and Ivermectin back in mid-April and commented here twice about it around then. Here’s one of the articles I read about the drug — on April 9th:

    “Coronaviruses Have Been Known To Infect That Respiratory Tract Since 1965. The Cure For Coronavirus Infections Was Sitting Underneath The Nose Of Virologists All That Time”

    I thought for sure this drug would be talked about in the U.S. and either championed, or explained why it wouldn’t work. Not one peep about it either way.

    This is when it became increasingly obvious, coupled with the bad stats and the constant double-talk by Fauci, that this pandemic was looking more and more like a political lever being used by the Left.

  4. I wonder who Trump is listening to and why. This virus is being used to attack him and I wish he’d listen to some others despite the attacks. They’ii do that in any case.


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