You Might Be A Redneck
Images from: 1 Dadof4 (Dallas Redneck)2 seaoh (Smokey Robins, Robin Courose, Bird Rynolds)3 Mickey Moussaoui4 unsplash.com5 Truckbuddy (Snake)6 Claudia (Turkey) Pretty large Tom Turkey grazing on the bugs in the [Read More]
Images from: 1 Dadof4 (Dallas Redneck)2 seaoh (Smokey Robins, Robin Courose, Bird Rynolds)3 Mickey Moussaoui4 unsplash.com5 Truckbuddy (Snake)6 Claudia (Turkey) Pretty large Tom Turkey grazing on the bugs in the [Read More]
Bill Gates Negotiated $100 Billion Contact Tracing DealWith Democratic Congressman Sponsor of BillSix Months BEFORE Coronavirus Pandemic True Pundit – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helped negotiate who would [Read More]
Images from: 1 Ghost (cardinal) at Claudia’s house2 Dadof4 (Texas Brown Tarantula)3 Marco (Jamie) Jamie obsessing over wabbit in the yard4 Jethro (Snapping Turtles) in my yard5 systemically confused (Kilo [Read More]
Images from: 1 Dadof4 (Sylvie) Ebaykitty – Sylvie, at her job as Inspector 12 of Ebay shipments.2 Buster Brown3 systemically confused (Kilo) Box fetish4 bluebird of bitterness (oscar and figaro)5 [Read More]
Images from: 1 seaoh (Smokey) My beloved dog of 16 years (17 years old), Smokey passed on June 30th of Cancer and kidney failure she is missed dearly by my [Read More]
National Review, By Victor Davis Hanson – The Jacobin Left is just now beginning to get edgy. A few of its appeasers and abettors are becoming embarrassed by some of [Read More]
h/t Different Tim
One more time. Please email me at if you want me to send your info to a specific planner. The readers who graciously offered to plan an event in [Read More]
“If this was in your front yard[,] you might be a redneck” h/t Dadof4
Sunny Skyz – A man who recently lost his wife wrote a letter to a hairdresser to thank her for “one of the best moments of her life”. Sara shared [Read More]
Images from: 1 Marco (Jamie) Jamie, under the covers2 Conservative Cowgirl (Ladybug) Ladybug snoozing-hiding from the world in a dead leaf formed into a perfect ladybut cup!3 Unsplash.com4 Old Guy [Read More]
Atlanta Armed ‘Black Panther’ Marchers Were Actors Dressed in Costumes The Truth About Guns – They said they were Black Panthers, and they looked the part with all-black attire and [Read More]
Whitmer orders mask use in Michigan, violators could be fined up to $500 MLive – All Michiganders must wear masks in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces or face a [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.