Treasure Hunters Strike Gold
A team of Florida divers have found 350 gold coins lost by a Spanish fleet 300 years ago.
A team of Florida divers have found 350 gold coins lost by a Spanish fleet 300 years ago.
The earlier scouting reports being posted weeks ahead of the annual Burning Man event in the Nevada desert warn of large aggressive biting insects infesting the site.
Claiming an 8th amendment right to sleep in public, because banning camping out in public space is “cruel and unusual punishment”, the Department of Justice has submitted a “Letter of [Read More]
The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, who were fined $135,000 and had to close their storefront business because they wouldn’t do a gay wedding cake, are sending cakes to [Read More]
The hackers who broke into Ashley Madison have dumped 9.7 gigabytes of data on the internet. There is information on 32 million of the 40 million subscribers to the infidelity [Read More]
The AP has a report on California’s 2012 Green Energy Jobs Act that found the law seriously underperformed on its promises. The legislation was chocked full of ill-defined focus group [Read More]
A group of Yazidi women fighters have form their own unit in Kurdistan to take revenge ISIS.
In order to fight an estimated $6 million in fraud annually, Wisconsin legislators are preparing to add a photo to the FoodShare card.
All the headlines for this story try to put the most positive, “Gee, isn’t that progressive,” spin on this story. I’ll give you a headline and byline. Woman Traumatized by [Read More]
Do you ever tire of always running out of ink in your printer and overpaying for cartridges? Well Epson has a solution for you, its called the EcoTank and they [Read More]
A Facebook page titled Citizens Preserving the Penokee Hills Heritage Park posted the portrait of a girl from one of the local Chippewa Tribes (you can tell because she’s wearing [Read More]
With news today that the number of classified e-mails that ping-ponged around inside Hillary’s server was at least 60, we have to wonder when the pressure on the Justice Department will [Read More]
Courtesy of bablublog
In a 15 second video on his Instagram account, Donald Trump summarized how everyone feels about America’s foreign policy. Watch
They don’t call Hollywood the dream factory for nothing and according to some good columns in National Review on the new movie “Straight Outta Compton,” the mystical land of fantasy is [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.