MJA – Page 4024 – IOTW Report


Friday, 30 October 2015, 2:00 MJA 10

  [Breitbart] CNBC’s panel of questioners, apparently drawn directly from a focus group for the Democratic National Committee, revealed their Hillary Clinton butterfly tramp-stamps long enough to unleash a stream [Read More]

Are we too far gone?

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 16:15 MJA 32

PatriotRetort: Yesterday, my brother and I were texting back and forth about the always moronic Melissa Harris-Perry PhDunce who, the other day on MSNBC declared that describing someone as being [Read More]

London is the TB capital of Europe

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 12:30 MJA 9

ExpressUK: MASS migration and poverty have sent rates of tuberculosis in parts of London soaring to levels higher than those in Rwanda, Eritrea and Iraq, according to a new report. [Read More]

Pentagon Losing Twitter War With ISIS

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 11:45 MJA 2

TruthRevolt: There is legitimate debate about whether the Internet has hurt or improved peoples lives. The answer, of course, lies somewhere in the middle. Instant access to vast amounts of information and [Read More]

Adverbs are sexually harassing women!!!

Thursday, 29 October 2015, 11:00 MJA 36

Or something… I don’t know. TruthRevolt: Feminist Freshman: The Word ‘Too’ has Ravaged WomenLong Enough It’s mass hysteria! Dogs and cats living together! It’s adverbs run amok!

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