Authorities searching for parents of Michigan school shooting suspect after manslaughter charges – IOTW Report

Authorities searching for parents of Michigan school shooting suspect after manslaughter charges


Authorities are searching for the parents of a teenager accused of killing four people in a Michigan high school shooting earlier this week, the sheriff’s office confirmed Friday.

The news came shortly after Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald announced that James and Jennifer Crumbley had been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter.

“While the shooter was the one who entered the high school and pulled the trigger, there are other individuals who contributed to the events on Nov. 30, and it’s my intent to hold them accountable as well,” McDonald said at a news conference.

She added, “Gun ownership is a right, and with that right comes great responsibility.”

An attorney for the parents had contacted authorities Friday morning to say that James and Jennifer Crumbley would turn themselves in if they were charged, sheriff Michael Bouchard said.

Following the prosecutor’s announcement, the parents stopped contacting their attorney. The lawyer told detectives that she has made repeated attempts to reach her clients via phone and text without success.

“We have our Fugitive Apprehension Team, the FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service and others actively looking for them and have every expectation we’ll have them in custody soon,” Bouchard said. “The action of fleeing and ignoring their attorney certainly adds weight to the charges. They cannot run from their part in this tragedy.”

The couple may be driving a black 2021 Kia Seltos SUV with a Michigan license plate number, authorities said.

9 Comments on Authorities searching for parents of Michigan school shooting suspect after manslaughter charges

  1. Just exactly what the hell was going on in the moron’s mind who are supposedly looking out for people like this shooter?

    “On the morning of the Nov. 30 shooting, the suspect’s parents were urgently called into the high school after one of his teachers found an alarming note he had drawn, scrawled with images of a gun, a person who had been shot, and the words, “Blood everywhere,” and, “The thoughts won’t stop. Help me.””

    “Investigators say the teenager talked about his desire and plans to kill classmates at Oxford in two cellphone videos and a journal they found in his backpack.”

  2. “While the shooter was the one who entered the high school and pulled the trigger, there are other individuals who contributed to the events on Nov. 30, and it’s my intent to hold them accountable as well,”

    Like perhaps the teachers and administrators at the school as well as the idiot parents?

  3. I thought it was illegal to have a gun in school. How could this happen? Aren’t there laws to prevent this from happening? We need more laws so this won’t happen again.

  4. I have feeling that there will be some sort of equivalency between these parents and the parents who are challenging local school boards across the country, and the DOJ will soon be involved.


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