Before the October Surprise comes the August-September PSYOP polls – IOTW Report

Before the October Surprise comes the August-September PSYOP polls

American Thinker:

By Rajan Laad

For every election cycle, a few months prior to voting day, pollsters release surveys that show Democrats leading with wide margins. The media gleefully amplify these polls.

This isn’t a recent phenomenon.

Back in 1980, Reagan was trailing Carter trailing by 8% even in some mid-October polls. Reagan ended up winning the 1980 general election in a landslide.

In 2016, pollsters said with certitude that Hillary Clinton would be the next president. The New York Times proclaimed she has a 91 percent chance of winning. Trump won that election by a respectable margin in the electoral college.

In 2020, Trump was supposed to lose to Biden by a landslide. In reality, Trump secured 10 million more votes than in 2016, despite the media onslaught for four years, Democrat electoral malpractice, and suppression of all anti Biden stories. Trump received 7 million more votes than any sitting president in American history. more

11 Comments on Before the October Surprise comes the August-September PSYOP polls

  1. Looks like their original October Surprise just imploded. Now those massive brains are busy working overtime on a new one. And I have figured it out.
    Trump and Putin are gay lovers!

    Remember, you heard it here first.

  2. Slightly off topic hot tip.
    Great movie coming out. Produced and directed by Robert Davi, a conservative actor and producer. Davi’s a very popular and easily recognizable.

    The film is “My Son Hunter”. It stars some talented, solid conservative actors and actresses. Looks good. Go to website and check it out; .

    Trailer .

  3. Brad, exactly. What Mr. Perv has done to his family can’t be ignored. There are a number of great conservative Hollywood talent, camera crews, etc. who would make superior films about the subject. Besides, they need the work.

  4. Indeed, Tony R. Grooming us for the steal. They don’t give a f—- about trying to persuade anybody one way or the other. Only easing us into their preset narrative with good plot continuity.

  5. The FBI has already tried provoking conservatives to violence. Their failures prove they don’t know us at all.
    Now the Dirty Dem candidates are calling us fascists and trying to insult us by ordering us to leave and that they don’t want our support. Sort of giving reverse psychology a try.

  6. The PsyOp is indeed air cover for another grand cheat. They will say, see we told you there was no red wave. Nothing to see here.

    It will not work, to many states have hardened the voting process. They will win the BLue states anyway, so all the scrutiny will be on close races in purple stated.

    I predict a massive false flag October surprise. We shall see.


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