Believe It or Not, Things Could Get Worse For Portland – IOTW Report

Believe It or Not, Things Could Get Worse For Portland

Daily Caller

Portland’s next mayor could be an open supporter of Antifa, the violent, far-left movement whose members have unleashed violence in cities across America.

Left-wing activist Sarah Iannarone will face incumbent Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler in a runoff election on Nov. 3 after neither candidate received a majority of votes in the first round of voting. More

14 Comments on Believe It or Not, Things Could Get Worse For Portland

  1. Build a wall from north to south on the eastern side of Washington, Oregon and Califorication. .50 cal motion activated turrets every 200 yards. While we’re at it, Mexico and Canada as well.

  2. I know there are degradations of “awful” but honestly, how is she worse than Ted Wheeler? In the immortal words of still not president Hillary Clinton, “What difference does it make”?

  3. Get ready to burn, baby burn! What a wonderful prospect. Portland can serve as an example of what happens when Progressive Liberal Lunacy replaces Liberalism. This will end in a lesson of what a Full Catastrophe looks like for the citizens of Seattle to contemplate.

  4. America as a whole can’t sneer to much at the citizens of Portland.

    After all in 2012 our nation wide election process for selecting candidates for president – gave us a lousy choice between Mitt Romney or four more horrible years of Barry Obama. Another choice between bad and worse. More commonly called the choice between the lesser of two evils.


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