Bernie Sanders on 1981 Today Show Self-Describes as a Socialist – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders on 1981 Today Show Self-Describes as a Socialist

He did not call himself a “democratic socialist.”

He also said he is not a capitalist. And he looks like shit for 39 years old.

10 Comments on Bernie Sanders on 1981 Today Show Self-Describes as a Socialist

  1. My commie father hates Bernie Sanders despite supporting everything he espouses.

    That is more of a measure of what the media reports than his own thinking.

    End Bernie now is the Journolist 2.0 order. If he gets breathing room, he’ll break his hammer and sickle off in the media’s preferred candidates.


    Step 1: Create jealousy and hatred between people based on class, gender, and race.

    Step 2: Find as many polarizing wedge issues to further stress and strain the relationships between people.

    Step 3: Expect them to share and cooperate with each other in good faith.


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